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♥︎. some point after the Goodwill Event, the 1st and 2nd years were recommended for a Grade 1 promotion. this scenario is voided for the sake of the plot

it was one of those days where time felt slower than usual, an unbearable and painstaking slowness that made you wish for tomorrow rather than enjoying the present.

the addition of cloudy grey skies didn't seem to make it any better. It was going to rain soon.

"Hello? Yuta? You there?" (Y/n) stood outside on her balcony, elbows resting on the railing. one hand held her phone and the other a lit cigarette.

she had just woken up, not bothering to change out of her loose and disheveled black tang-top with matching black baggy sweats.

"(Y/n)? are you at the school?"

"Yeah, got here a few days ago and finally settled in after all the jet lag and time change," she tipped her cigar, letting the ash float away with the wind.

"That's good! did you meet the people I told you about? they're my friends when I was first learning how to control Rika and my cursed energy."

"to be honest, I forget the second years were your friends. but I got to know them, especially Maki. she's not as scary as you described her, maybe because you looked like a wimpy baby back then," she snorted, but held an amused grin.

"oi! don't make fun of me! she was really scary back then! but I'm glad to hear that they're doing well. please take care of them, and yourself. I hope you're not smoking again."

"sorry to let your hopes down kid," (Y/n) blew out a big puff of smoke.

"(Y/n), we talked about your smoking problems. I'm sure sensei even talked to you too. you should quit, there are better ways to distract yourself. burning up your lungs isn't one of them," Yuta sighed.

after spending time with the redhead, he had grown to understand (Y/n) and her background. but, also turned their relationship into one like that of a mother and child. despite being the younger one, Yuta was more like the mother, lecturing (Y/n) with her smoking addiction.

the sorceress could only sigh, laying back against the wall while her head rested between her legs,"it's... easier to help make me forget about things Yuta... I'm not trying to make excuses... but I am."

there was a long pause before Yuta spoke again, "I know I don't control you or what you do with your body, but please take care of yourself more. you know I'm worried about how much more likely it is that you'll die of lung disease than the curses we deal with."

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