~ Incorrect Quotes 4 ~

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Glenn: Isn't a bit dangerous?

Emiko: Glenn, please. We've in a lot of unexpected predicaments before and we always escape unhurt.

Glenn: ...

Emiko: Okay, we sometimes escape unhurt.

Glenn: ...

Emiko: Alright, we escaped unhurt once... Then we hurt ourselves on the way home.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Emiko: Are we fighting or flirting?

Daryl: I'm pinning you against a wall with my hand around your neck-

Emiko: Your point?

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Daryl: You know, when Lori comes over, Shane can get a little...

T-Dog: Psycho?

Glenn: Scary?

Emiko: Drunk?

Daryl: All three.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Glenn: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Shane and Lori's convo?

T-Dog: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.

Daryl: I'm in the washing machine.

Emiko: I'm in the closet.

T-Dog: We accept you Emiko. <3

Emiko: No I'm literally in the closet.

T-Dog: Love is love. <3

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Daryl: Die.

Emiko: Please don't die!

Daryl: DIE!


Rick, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?

Carl, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and Emi wants Daryl to accept it as their kid.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Rick: Truth or dare?

Emiko: Dare.

Rick: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.

Emiko: Hey Shane?

Shane, blushing: Yeah?

Emiko: Can you move? I'm trying to get to Daryl.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Carl: How do you do that?

Emiko: I'm fearless.

Daryl: I saw you run from bees yesterday. You flailed around and tripped over a chair. It was both hysterical and sad.

Emiko: I'm mostly fearless

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Daryl: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, its "intelligent" and "really cool".

Daryl: But when I do it, I'm "petty" and "need to let it go".

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