Chapter Five: The Scientist

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*unedited* (word count:)


Today is my grandma's birthday and we are throwing her a party. Everyone in the family that's alive is invited. I'm in charge of food, decorating, and drinks that are nonalcoholic. The twins are out with my grandpa keeping my grandma busy.

My grandma likes simple foods nothing extravagant. I decided on her favorite dish...fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, green beans, and rolls. I just have the rolls and chicken to make. I've decorated every inch of the house and made tea and gotten the sodas cold.

The doorbell rings catching me off guard. I wipe my hands off before rushing to the door. I pull it open and see Clay standing there. He has a beard growing cute.

After our spontaneous night, he disappeared. I don't know what he did, who he did, or where he went. He hasn't responded to any message or phone call that I have sent him.

I'm mad but I can't be because we aren't even together. I have no right to but it's how I feel and I shouldn't have to put up with it. Strike two.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"I don't get a hello or a hi?" He asks.

"You dropped off the face of the Earth for two weeks," I reply. "You don't do that after what we did that night."

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. He smiles at me making me roll my eyes. I move out of the way and let him in. I close the door and walk back to the kitchen.

"I went to see my parents," he replies. "I needed to clear my head and get it in check."

"Why? Do you know how many fucking nights I spent wondering what the hell I did?" I ask. "I even went out with Geraldine and Ty. You don't play with someone's emotions like that, Clay."

"You think I was playing you?" He asks. "You sure do have a lot of fucking trust in me, Ronnie. You want the fucking truth?"

"I would love to have the fucking truth," I reply.

"When I go see my parents, I have to be there to see them. I can't talk to anyone back here. They want my trip all about them because they don't get to see me," he replies. "I'm telling you the truth. Honest to god."

"You're a grown ass adult, Clay," I reply.

"Yeah, but they pay for my college, they pay for my part of the rent, they pay my bills," he replies. "If I don't do what they want then I'm on my own."

"Sounds to me like you need to grow up and grow a pair," I reply as I turn around. "You know where the front door is."

"Are you fucking serious right now? You know what? I'm not going to do this childish shit with you. Come find me when you fucking grow up and stop acting like a spoilt child when she doesn't get her way," he replies before storming out.

"Hey, Ron, I got that cinnamon honey butter for the rolls," Geraldine's voice fills my ears. "What's up with him?"

"Thanks," I murmur.

I turn around start kneading the dough. Geraldine sets the bag on the back of the stool before sitting in the other one. She curiously watches me.

"Ty picked Clay up from the airport early this morning," she replies. "Clay looked exhausted and like he needed to sleep for a week."

"Are you coming tonight or are you going to be with Ty?" I ask.

"What's up your ass?" She asks.

I stop kneading the dough and look at her. I take a deep breath and push back the tears that threaten to come out. I look up at the ceiling so I don't word vomit.

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