Chapter Twelve: In The Night

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*unedited* (word count:)


"Hey, Ronnie, can I talk to you about something?" Alyssa asks as she follows me to the front door.

Josephine is here for her first weekend. I've missed her so much. I pull the door open to see Josephine standing there with her bag. Ty stands behind her with a blank expression on his face.

"I will be here Sunday at six to pick her up," Ty replies.

Josephine walks in and past me. I close the door as Ty walks away. I turn around and see Alyssa staring at Josephine as Josephine stares at her. Alyssa looks anxious.

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask.

"You can't tell Clay, okay?" Alyssa murmurs.

I tap on Josephine's shoulder. She slowly turns around and looks at me. I very faintly smile at her.

"Drayton and Mia are out in the back with Clay. They are working on something special," I sign to her.

"Okay," she signs back before running off.

Alyssa has been staying her off and on for the past few days. She sleeps upstairs in one of the guest bed rooms which is fine. She says it's because Clay's apartment is too small.

"What did you need to tell me?" I ask.

"I'm pregnant," she replies as her body relaxes.

"Before we continue this conversation, why do you want me to keep this from Clay? What's so wrong with you being pregnant?" I ask.

"Because I've been seeing an older guy that's about Clay's age," she replies.

"Your brother would be out for blood," I reply. "Do you know what your plan is? You have been here long, I'm assuming. There's adoption, abortion, or taking care of the child yourself."

"I don't know. I don't even know how far along I am," she replies. "I've missed my last two periods. I'm always on time."

"How did you meet this guy? Is he ready to be a dad? Why didn't y'all use condoms?" I ask.

"The same reason you and clay never used condoms," she replies. "I met him at that diner place."

"I thought we were going to be together forever," I reply. "You are being groomed. No one at the age of twenty five should be fucking with a sixteen year old."

"He already has kids," she replies. "I think he beats one of them when they don't do what he says."

"No child should ever be beaten," I reply. "Do I know this person?"

"Yes," she replies. "I've never watched him lay his hands on them but I saw the bruises. They're always where you'd never expect them to be or where they can be easily hidden."

"There is a free clinic across town. You should go there tomorrow and get checked out. You need to make sure that you are one hundred percent pregnant before you tell him," I reply.

I wheel myself out to the backyard and watch the kids run around. Mia climbs up the play set away from Josephine. Josephine uses her chubby body to try and climb up the side. Her shirt rides up her back revealing a large bruise on her back.
She turns around and self consciously fixes her shirt before continuing to play.

Clay walks over to me and sits in the chair beside me. He curiously stare at me but I don't give him my attention as I watch Josephine. Josephine runs and gets on the trampoline. She jumps in the air making her shirt fly up revealing more bruises on her stomach.

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