Chapter Sixteen: Mad World

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**********TRIGGER WARNING*******

*unedited* (word count:)


I haven't seen Clay in days. I haven't been able to really sleep, I mean, who would be able to sleep after what has happened? I was looking forward to Christmas. I was extremely happy to spend it with Clay and the kids.

Drayton and Josephine sit in front of the TV as the fireplace warms us up. A Christmas movie plays but I don't pay any attention to it. We have six hours until everyone comes over for Christmas Eve. Tonight we do gifts for the kids from others. Tomorrow will be my presents and whatever else they get.

Jade and Dominic decided to stay in a hotel so they could get freaky when they wanted to. I don't blame them. According to them, they have tons of presents for the kids since they don't have any of their own.

The front door opens and closes but I don't move.  The kids turn around and quickly get up before running behind me. A set of hands cover my eyes but I don't panic.

I feel a kiss on my neck but I don't move. The more I don't play into it the more it makes him do more. He owes me that much after up and leaving, as well as getting mad at me.

"Guess who," he whispers in my ear.

"Mark Wahlberg in FEAR," I reply.

He removes his hands and just stares at me. I awkwardly look around. He smirks at me before rolling his eyes.

"Really? Are you into that type of thing?" Clay asks.

"I don't know, maybe," I murmur.

"So, can we talk in the kitchen?" He asks.

"Yeah," I murmur.

I get off the couch and we go into the kitchen. Clay picks me up before I can react. He kisses me as he sets me on the counter. I slowly push him away.

"You're not getting off that easy," I reply.

"I know," he murmurs. "But, I did buy Christmas for everyone and I'm here to help with Santa."

"Oh," I mutter. "Santa has a lot to put together."

"Like what?" He asks.

"Four huge dollhouses, two bicycles, a kitchen set," I reply. "Plus, he has to drag everything to the living room. It's a lot of stuff."

"I'm hoping it's not upstairs," he murmurs.

"It's not," I reply. "I have it locked in one of the guest bedrooms."

He kisses me but doesn't move away. A barf sound fills our ears making him pull away from me. We look at the doorway and see Jade and Dominic standing in the doorway.

"We came early," Jade blurts out.

"Why?" Clay asks.

"Because we have a shit tone of presents," she replies. "And I don't want them sitting in the car anymore. So, therefore, you and Dommy can go get them and not let the kids open them."

Dominic rolls his eyes before retreating back to the car. Clay follows behind him leaving me on the counter. Jade slowly approaches me as she narrows her eyes.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me that you two were back together?! You tried to fucking off yourself and now you're pregnant," Jade yells.

"Hush! The kids don't know. Clay doesn't know about my happy little accident," I reply.

"Why haven't you told him?" She asks.

"Because there has been a lot going on and I don't want to add that to his list of shit that's going to stick in his mind," I reply.

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