Chapter Two

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The whole car ride Matthew and the guy were talking about sports or something.

Finally, we arrived. I glanced at the school and almost gagged. It was one of those high schools with stuck-up teenagers whose the only source of entertainment was using their daddy's money.

I know half of this school population still calls their dad Daddy.

The guy who gave us a ride began walking to the school, and I realized that my brother Matt and Ari was standing there.

"Wait, you didn't tell me your name!" Matt called out, which made the guy look back.

"Kaleb with a K." He said, waving back at us. Hmm... Kaleb with a K.

Matthew was still standing there. I just gave him a nudge so he could walk on.

"You think we've going to make friends here?"

"Probably not," I said while trying to cross the busy road.

"I don't know. Kaleb seems cool."

"You barely know him," I said, sighing at the disbelief.

"Exactly, and he gave us a ride without even knowing us."

"We could have been kidnapped," I said, shifting my back to pick up my bag from falling.

"But we didn't, right." He said, smirking at me.

If I was sincere, I knew Matt would make friends here. Not because he fit in with the people here but because he stood out. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous of that, but at least I got the looks of the family.

"For now," I said, grinning at him, and he smiled at me back. "Come on, and we have to get to class." I almost forgot the class part of the school and began running into the school building.

I scanned the doors into I found room 231. And just stared at it for a couple of seconds, too nervous about going in. "Are you going to go in, or are you going to get out of my way?" I turned my back to find Kaleb waiting behind me with his hands in his pockets.

"U-uh, sorry!" I said, surprised at his sudden tone. "Yeah, whatever, just open the door." I looked at the doorknob and reached my hand to open it, but before I could, somebody already did.

"I see we have two students that don't understand the utmost importance of tardiness." Some man who was evidently balding said while giving me a stern look. He looked me up and the door and snatched the hat off my head.

"And apparently the importance of dress code." The class just stared at me, which made my stomach feel uncomfortable.

I found an empty seat in the back and sat at it, trying to ignore the muddlers and weird looks I was getting. I was so focused on ignoring everything in the room that I overlooked that Kaleb sat next to me until he spoke up. "You have another pencil?"


Kaleb just looked at me weirdly and scuffed. "Maybe you might have one?"

"Maybe, as in maybe, I don't want to give it to you." Kaleb just snatched the pencil I was holding and began riding his name on the notebook he was using.

"What the fuck? Give it back." I tried reaching for the pencil, but he held it out of reach and smirked. "Can you just give it back?" I whined, still trying to get to the pencil.

"I don't know. Maybe I want to keep it." He said, slightly snickering at the use of my words.

"Ahem." The teacher who scolded me earlier said he was looking down at me. "I see you guys don't want to attend class today, and I guess you can attend it later." How are we suppos-

"In detention." I mentally groaned while sitting back down correctly. "To all the new people my is Mr. Hard." I thought that some people would laugh, but the room was just silent. It was until Kaleb's laughter filled the room.

"Do you have a joke to fill in with the class Mr. Graham?" Kaleb just shook his hand, still fighting back a few laughs.

"Very well." Mr. Hard started talking about God knows what, but I couldn't stop looking at Kaleb. He was probably popular with the girl.

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