Chatper Four

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"So can you come, Spencer?" Jacob said, which caused me to regain consciousness. I was thinking about what happened in the bathroom the whole conversation, so I had no idea what they were talking about.

"What time?" I answered, sliding a fry into my mouth. "After school." They all looked at me, and I was about to say yes, but I remembered what Mr. Hard said.

"I have detention." They all groaned, and I slid another fry into my mouth. "How did you even manage to get detention on the first day."

I recalled what happened this morning and shook my head. "Somebody in my class got us both in detention."

"Was it Kaleb?" Lela said, giving me a smirk. "Maybe."

Maddison looked at Amber, and they both gave me a look. "I'll try to make it after detention."

"Can you bring Kaleb?" Amber blurted out. "Simp," Jacob said while taking one of her fries, and when she tried to get it back, he ate it.

Which also made me remember what happened today. "Sure," I said, trying to clear my head.

"Okay, Spencer is now my favorite person," Madison said, causing Jacob to whine. Madison just sighed. "Okay, you too." I gave Lela a look, and she just nodded her head.

I smirked and finished my food.


"Where are you going, Kaleb?" Cody said while taking a cigarette out. "I have detention."

He looked at me and laughed but seeing I was serious, his smile faded. "Skip it. We have practice."

Usually, when I had a detention, I would skip it and go to practice, but for some reason, I felt like going today.

"You know, Mr. Hard. He's very strict. I have to go." Cody gave me a guilty look and frowned. "If it's because of earlier, I just want to s-."

"It's not Cody. I got to go see you later." When I opened the classroom door, Mr. Hard just smirked at me.

"Look who decided showed up." I ignored him and scanned the room, and I saw the guy who I gave a ride in the back. I walked over to him and sat at the desk next to him.

He just looked at me and quickly looked away. "You okay?" He ignored me and put out some work from his bag. "Is it because I took your pencil I can give it back to you-"

"It's not." He interrupted but didn't take a glance my way. "You didn't tell me your name."

He just looked down and smirked. "Do I have to now?"

He took a glance at me, and his smile faded away. "Spencer."

I was about to speak, but before I could, Spencer started talking. "I was in the bathroom when...."

What is he talking about? He looked at me and noticed I was lost, and he spoke up again. "When you and Cody were doing that."

Shock filled my body, and I instinctively grabbed his hand, causing him to yelp. "Did you tell anyone?" He could sense my surprise and put his hand on my arm, causing me to relax.

"I didn't, and I won't." I took my hand off his arm and put my hand on my face. Fuck, nobody was supposed to know. "You okay?" I didn't answer and was lost in thought.

Silence filled the room uncomfortably, and he was the first to talk. "It's alright, Kaleb. I really won't tell anyone."

"I promise." He held his pinky finger to me, and I just looked at him. "I-I just know you're worried about it, so.." I held out mine and entwined 
our pinky's.

My heart started to slow down, and I finally caught my breath. "If you don't mind, can you attend this party today?"

Usually, I say no to parties, but I was grateful that he didn't tell anyone without me even asking him. So I felt the urge to repay him. "Sure." I looked at him, and he was smiling.

He has a pretty smile.

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