Chapter One

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"Today is the year." I said while rising out of my bed and stretching my arms. "Today is the year I'll get a girlfriend."

I said, grinning to myself.

"Get ready, Spencer! We have to go now."

I looked at my phone and saw the time, which read 7:45 am. Shit!

The first day of my new high school life, and I will already be late.

I put on the stiff uniform that the school sent me and went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and looked at myself in the mirror. I admired myself for a while until I remembered I was about to be late.

"Spence! Come the fuck on! And wake up Ari up too!" My brother Matthew said.

"Alright!" I shouted back, agitated that my hair kept splitting in the center, causing my forehead to reveal every time. I mentally groaned and just put on a hat.

"We're going to miss the bus!"

Matthew yelled across the room while sliding a piece of burned toast into his mouth.

"That's disgusting." To my response, he just flipped me off and ran out the door.

"Hey, wait up!" My sister Ari said running up to the door.

Me and my siblings ran to the bus as fast as we could, but it was already taking off. "Hey, wait!" The bus driver just looked at us and kept driving.

"Asshole!" Matthew said while stopping to catch his breath. "We can just walk."

He gave me a death stare and ignored me. "You have any cash?"

"No, I forgot it at home." He groaned and was about to start walking until somebody beeped their horn at us.

"Need a ride?" An unfamiliar man spoke out. "Yea, we're going to Edgewood High," Matt said while looking closer at the man.

"Hop in." The guy said while opening the car door. Matthew got inside, and the driver just stared at me.

"You coming in or?"

I wanted to say something, but I figured it was best if I just shut my mouth. "Yeah, sure."

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