Chapter Eight

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A/N Adult times below.

After that night, we did the same thing as yesterday. We attempted to go on the bus, but the bus ignored us, and Kaleb came to pick us up.

The only different thing is I was shotgun now. I was sitting next to Kaleb, scanning his features but also trying not to make it evident that I was staring at him.

He fiddled with his pocket to find his cigarettes, but I swatted his hand. "No smoking. Hey, don't smoke in the car."

"Why not? You seemed like you enjoyed yesterday." Kaleb said, putting one of his hands on mine.

"Well, I change my mind," I said, shaking his hands off mine.

"Ahem!" Matthew said, causing us to quickly back away from each other.

The rest of the car ride was either in silence or Matthew ranting about his theory about Aliens for the twenty-ish time.

"Shut up, Matt. Nobody cares," Ari said, resting her phone on her lap. "Everybody should care. It's a big issue in society today."

I tried covering my ears with my hand, but I could still hear their murmured voices through the gaps in my hand. And Kaleb was laughing at me.

"We're here, not Spencer. Come out." I was about to reach for the door handle, but Kaleb reached his hand out to stop me. Matthew was staring at me, ushering me to come, but I had to think of an excuse.

"I left something in the back seat. Go without me." I said, hoping he would buy into my not-so-good lie.

"Yeah, whatever." I let out a sigh of relief after Matt and Ari got out of sight.

"What do you want?" I barked as Kaleb unbuckled his seatbelt.

"You." He laid a finger through a strain of my hair, then he took his other hand a touched everywhere on my face teasing me by missing my lips
by an inch.

"Stop," I said, not even trying to swat his hand off mine, hypnotized by his aura.

He came closer to me so that he was right up my ear. "I know you want me to too." He whispered.

He was about to sit back in his seat, but I pulled the rim of his shirt, causing him to stop. He responded by just shaking his head. "We have class,"  Kaleb said, causing me to let go of him.

I just adjusted my back on the chair, sighing at the fact that I did such a thing. Why did I do that? What's wrong with me?

In class, Mr. Hard was ranting about something I didn't care about. I was too focused on how my skin reacted to Kaleb's gentle touch, making me ack for more after even a singular one. How he was just about to touch my lips and maybe ev-.

Mr. Hard slammed his hand on my desk, interrupting my thoughts. "I see that some people think this is a free, period?" Mr. Hard said while looking down at me.

He walked away, and Kaleb tapped my shoulder. "Meet me in the bathroom during lunch." I went to look at him, but the bell rang, and he was already walking out of the classroom.

During all my classes, I was barely paying attention to my teachers and classmates. Anticipating Kaleb, time flew by quickly, and finally, the lunch bell rang.

I rushed out of class, but on the way out, I bumped into Lela. "I was just looking for you."

I just shrugged her off and began walking towards the cafeteria bathroom. "I know you might be mad at me for yesterday, but I was drunk. It's not a big deal."

"Okay yeah, it's not a big deal, but I need to go to the bathroom."

"We cool?" She said, causing me to turn in her direction. "Yeah, we're cool."

She wandered off to her table, and I headed to the bathroom, searching the room for Kaleb, but I didn't see him anywhere. I went to one of the bathroom's sinks to wash my face to hear the door open slightly.

I looked over to see him.

Kaleb Graham slowly walked into the bathroom. I turned my back to the sink faucet, and Kaleb approached me. When he reached up to me, he started immediately kissing me.

I pushed him off me due to the sudden surprise, and he smirked. "What the fuck, man I said that I was straight," I said, whipping the wetness off my lips.

"Yeah, and I'm a dinosaur." He said, giving me another peck on the lip.

"Seriously, stop doing that!"

"One day Spence your going to want me as bad as I want you." Kaleb said while leaving the bathroom.

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