Chapter Ten

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We did our usual routine again. Wait for the bus, the bus ignoring us. And then we having to go to school is Kaleb's car. It was almost a natural reflex at this point because of the amount of times we did and repeated.

However, this time I was in the back. And Ariana was sitting next to Kaleb. She was trying to make small talk but Kaleb was barely paying attention. And Matthew was watching a recap of a sports game.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the school. I got out and headed to Mr. Hards class. I took my usual seat next to Kaleb.

"Glad you guys all showed up to class on time." He stopped and look at the table that me and Kaleb was sitting at. "I'm talking about the both of you."

The whole class looked back at us. And I couldn't help but felt nervous. Kaleb not showing a sigh of fear or nervousness just grinned and stare at Mr. Hard.

"Whatever, let's just continue with our lesson." Mr Hard said looking away from Kaleb's eyesight. I guess we know now who would win in a staring contest at least.

After all my morning periods were only I had lunch. I still haven't truly forgiven Lela but hey I can't ignore her forever.

"Hey look Spence is back!" Jacob said raising his hand up and we did a freestyle handshake.

"Hey I want a handshake too Spencer." Madison said. "Well that was just a made up one."

"Hi, Spence." Amber said quietly. I took a seat next to Jacob and sneakily stole one of his lone fries.

"So after the party everyone and their mom was talking about you." Madison said which almost made my heart beating right then and there.

"Wait what?" I said very shocked at the information I just learned.

"Because you and Kaleb kissed. And he choose to kiss you too. Which almost proves our suppressions."


"Yeah, Maddie isn't clear still she stills need a bit concert evidence." Jacob said while making quoting marks between his words.

"Hey I'm just saying the facts here no need to get make fun of me for it." Jacob just rolled his eyes. And Maddison gave him a slight punch to the shoulder.

Lela stayed silence and just looked down at her phone. Aggressively texting somebody. I wonder what's that about.

After school, Kaleb waited for me his back against his car in a now empty parking lot. "Took you long enough."

"I didn't ask for you to wait for me." I said. He huffed and gestured me into his car. He put his hands into his pockets again and took out a cigarette.

"Hey I said no smoking inside the car." I said holding the hand the cigarette was in. "Whatever, I'll turn down the window."

Just like he said he put the window down and began smoking with one hand and steering with the next. "Are you okay Kaleb?" I asked. He took his eyes off the road for a second then drifted them back.

"Yeah, just had a long day that's all." He said with a genuine tone.

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