Chapter Three

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The class was over, and I heard the desk rustle next to me. I looked to my right, and Kaleb was already gone. How the hell did he leave so fast?

The rest of my classes were boring and dull . But when I left my last class before lunch, somebody tugged my shoulder.

It was a girl who appeared to be the same age as me, and her hair was tied up in a ponytail. Her dark skin complimented her green eyes and her glossy pink lips.

"Hey, are you Spencer James?" The girl said while extending her hands. I just looked at her weirdly, and she put her hand down. "Lela." She said I just nodded and the room filled with silence before she spoke again.

"Everybody is talking about you, you know." She said with brought my attention.

"Wait why?" I said completely in shock.

She just looked at me and grinned.

"Because you and Kaleb Graham was talking."

I looked at her in surprise like I was suppose to know who that was. "He's the coach's son and the starter of the baseball team, and you were with him."

"And that's important because?" I said wondering why I should care.

"The only person he talks to is his baseball friends and his girlfriend and he never talk to new guys." She said

"He gave me a ride to school. That's about it."

"You're joking, right?"

"No," I said, utterly clueless on why that's a big deal. "I know you don't know him, but he's not the type of guy who would give you a ride just because. Those that mean those rumors are true."

She stopped talking and just then looked up to me a studied my eyes. "Don't tell anyone I told you but..."

"Apparently he's hooking up with a guy." I just started laughing and she just looked at me. "I know I don't know him that well but he definitely doesn't give me those vibes. There probably just rumors." She just shrugged me off and guided me to a large room.

"This is the lunch room?" I said, my mouth almost dropping as I felt overwhelmed in the abnormally large room.

"Yeah, this is the lunch room." She pointed at a table with all boys, and I spotted Kaleb. "That's where all the jocks and people are you'll find the biggest assholes here." She whispered in my ear and pointed at a guy sitting right next to Kaleb. "That's the guy his name is Cody."

"So you know everybody who sits there?" She nodded in response until she laid her eyes on somebody.

"Although I don't know who he is." I looked at the person who Lela was staring at and saw my brother Matthew and sighed. "That's my older brother."

"Oh yeah, what's his name?" She said, staring at him. "Matt." I tried to ignore her weird looks at him and just tapped her to gain her attention back. "So, where do you sit?"

She guided me to a lone table by the back of the huge cafeteria. The guy at the table looked up at me a smirked. "Finally, I'm not the only guy!" The guy said, and another girl spoke up. "He's kind of cute." I was just stunned, and Lela sighed.

"Sorry.." The girl who called me cute said while picking up a fry and eating it. Lela told me the boy named Jacob and the two girls were Madison and Amber.

"So, Spencer was it." The girl that was named Madison said. I nodded in response, and she just eyed me.

"Where you from?"


"You play any sports," Jacob said while looking at me.

"Uhh, I used to play soccer before I moved here." I was about to say something, but I got interrupted
"Favorite color?" Amber said.

Before I could answer, Lela cleared her throat, and we all looked at her. "Stop interrogating him. Let him breathe." I smiled at her, and she beamed at me back.

"Where's the bathroom," I said while searching the room. "Right there." She said while pointing to a room.

"I'll be right back."

When I entered the bathroom, it seemed empty, so I went into a stall to do my business. Somebody opened the door, and I put my feet on the toilet so they wouldn't know I was there. It was a habit from my old school.

"Anybody here?" A familiar voice said while closing the door behind them, leaving a loud sound. "Nobody here. Stop being paranoid." Another guy spoke up. In a matter of seconds, I heard somebody back bang on the wall behind them, and I heard clothes ruffling and shuffling. I peeped through the stall door to see Kaleb and the guy who Lela said name was Cody making out.

Cody put his hand through Kaleb's hair, and Kaleb answered by kissing his neck and sliding his hand under his shirt, causing the guy to moan.

I rubbed my eyes a few times to see if whatever I was looking at was happening. I cursed myself for going into the bathroom and held my breath so they couldn't see me.

Kaleb's hands tugged the male's shirt, and the other guy lifted it so Kaleb could have full access to it. He was going to unbuckle the guy's pants but was interrupted by the sound of the school bell.

Kaleb gave the guy one last peck before fixing his clothes, and both left. I swallowed my saliva.

This is going to be one hell of a school year.

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