Chapter Nine

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Kaleb was at our house again. In my sister's room doing God know's what. I was too busy trying to find a comfortable spot on my bed, but every time I moved, there was always something wrong.

I started to remember what had happened in the bathroom. Kaleb kissed me. My mind wandered about what we did but then passed on to what we said.

I groaned, slapping myself with my hand, remembering that Kaleb Graham said that I would want him. As if.

I stoke up, putting on my slim sweatpants before exiting the room. I peeked to see Kaleb and my sister sitting on the couch watching a movie.

I could tell Kaleb was bored either with my sister or the movie. Maybe even both by the way his expression stay flat. I tried to signal his attention towards me, but he was too busy listening to my sister rambling.

I stepped down the stairs trying not to make any sound, as I walked over to Kaleb. He was still not listening, so I sighed, forcing my legs to walk toward the couple.

"What do you want, Spencer?" Ari said the only one in the family who didn't call me Spence. After spending so much time together (being twins and all), our relationship decreased.

"I need to borrow Kaleb for a minute.." I said, trailing off to avoid eye contact. Kaleb shifty got up slightly, pushing Ari off him as he did, but she tugged his arm to hold him to a stop.

"Wait, before you go, wanna hear a story about Spencer?" She narrowed her eyes at me, hinting that whatever she was going to say wasn't good.

Kaleb just nodded his head, and Ari began to speak. "When we were little, Spencer used to pee in the bed all the time. The last time he did it was..." She trailed off, trying to recall her memories.

"Before we moved so a week ago." My stomach started to turn as those words left her mouth. Kaleb just left out a dry laugh.

"That's better than me. When I was little, I used to eat ants because I thought it would give me
superpowers." Kaleb said, which made Ari glare at me, causing me to let out a little grin.

Remembering what I wanted to talk about, I pushed Kaleb's shoulder, initiating him to follow me.

When we reached my bedroom, he just started laughing, causing me to narrow my eyebrows at him in confusion. "What's so funny?"

"You peed in your bed." He blurted out laughing and couldn't help but feel embarrassed. "Hey you said you ate ants because you thought I would give you superpowers."

"That's totally different. I had a logical explanation again my embarrassing moment and plus it was years ago." Kaleb said. He smirked and then cupped my face. "What did you need me for again.

"Forget it." I said I pushed his hand away from me and almost fell back. "Thanks for letting me borrowing your pants they were very comfortable."

"I just hope to god it wasn't the one you peed in." That bastard.

The warm water hit my face setting the frustration in my body to cool off. I took my favorite body wash and it rubbing it all over my body. For a few minutes it was like that until a knock on the door shocked me causing me to almost fall in the bathtub.

"Who's there." I shrieked catching myself against the shower wall.

I could hear the voice through the door. Kaleb kept knocking causing me to tense up.

"Be quiet you're going to wake the whole house up!" Kaleb ignored me and continuing to knock at the door.

"Alright come in." I said while shutting the curtains so Kaleb wouldn't see my exposed body.

"What do you want?" I said slightly looking over the now shut curtain as Kaleb walked towards me leaving me little to no space.

"To take a shower." He awaited for my answer. I could feel his hands lightly on the curtain that shielded my exposed body from view.

"Well you have to wait." I said and I could only hear his sadness reaction.

"Whatever fine don't take forever." I heard the door shut so I guessed he finally left the room. And I was myself at peace again.

A/N The next update will be in a few days and I'm proud to announce that we are 30 away from 70 views! I'm happy that you guys are liking this story so far.

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