thirty four

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BEFORE BEN HAD ASKED ARIYA THE QUESTION, he was found walked around Sloane and Luther's table. "Ben's here." Luther muttered, cutting his conversation short with his wife.

Sloane looked up, a half drunk Ben seemed to sober up a little bit, which made his sister smile a little at him, "hey."

Ben nodded as acknowledgment, "hi."

Clearly Ben didn't seem like a person who would continue the conversation, even if he was the one who had something to say. Which made Sloane naturally continue, "what's up?"

"I need to ask you something... Both of you, actually." He looked at the newly weds.

Luther nodded, "sure."

"Well," The boy paused again for a while... Sloane and Luther kept looking at him awkwardly, "spit it out, Ben." Sloane groaned.

Ben groaned in annoyance, even if it was clearly Sloane's turn to be annoyed. "I wan--"

"You want what?" Sloane asked impatiently.

Luther chuckled at the siblings as he pat her shoulder, "maybe let him finish."

Sloane rolled her eyes, "fine."

Ben sighed, "look, the world is ending. I don't know how we'll stop it anymore. Looking at the two of you made me realise my priorities." Ben fidgeted with the rings on his middle and index finger. "I want to marry Ari, like now... Like right now. But I also know that it's your day, both your days. So--"

"You want to give us our blessing?" Sloane asked.

"Well, if you say it like tha--"

"We don't mind." Sloane cut him off again, "about time you two got married for real." She grinned at her brother, "go ask her."

"You don't mind us hitchhiking your special day?" Ben asked.

Luther chuckled, Sloane shook her head, "We got like a few hours left to live anyways, we better make the most of it." She told her brother, offering him a soft smile.

Ben returning it ever so slightly.

"Plus, we would finally get to see you two get married, what's better than that." Luther added.

Ben sighed yet again, "Thanks."


"Let's get married."

And as if it was right on que, Ariya choked on her water.

"Shit!" Ben's eyes widened as he grabbed her glass and placed it on the table.

"Look up!" he told her as he rubbed her back.

"What?" Ariya asked when she finally stopped coughing.

"Yes, What!?" Diego shouted after her.

"Let them have their moment Diego." Lila scolded but stayed put in her seat.

Ben and Ariya gave them a 'why aren't you leaving' look.

"I told him not to interrupt, we're listening." Lila smiled.

And as if it was scripted (which it was hehe) Ben and Ariya's eyerolls synced.

"You want to get married?" Ariya asked him ignoring Diego and Lila's smirks.

"Why not? the world's doomed already, if we go down... I want us to be married." Ben gave her a small genuine smile.

"Plus we're already engaged." Ben shrugged.

And as if it was right on que, Diego choked on his water.

﹁ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵃᵛᵉⁿ - Ben Hargreeves﹂ ✔Where stories live. Discover now