The Mess

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(The Hall)

"Hey!" Orme yelled as the Night Fury lept at the teen, stopped again by  the partition that was separating the two. "I told you that you aren't allowed to do any of that here!" The man exclaimed, as Hiccup fell back in his seat. He knew he was safe, but that was still nerve wrecking.

"So that's how the story of Dragon Conqueror  came to be!" Fergus exclaimed and nodded his head. That got the attention of many of the Vikings, as Valka's hand tightened into a fist.

"He's the Dragon Conqueror?!" Flynn exclaimed.

"Who's the Dragon Conqueror?" Rapunzel asks confused.

"A man." King Fredric speaks. "Said to be the heir of Wilderwest, which should clear up a lot of things and confuses many more, helped Stoick the Vast rally many of the Vikings under one banner after the Chief of Berk defeated the pirates and Romans. It is said that the man is the master of dragons evens the most dangerous ones crumble just with the touch of his hands there are other rumors but these are more believable than those, made a name for himself on the Northern seas."

"He is that Dragon Conqueror?!" Kristoff asks next, incredulity clear in his voice.

"I am just as surprised!" Merida speaks next. "I've heard the stories, many made the Dragon Conqueror to be a lot taller and fiercer than all of......" Merida trailed off before gesturing over Hiccup. "This....ahh! So that's how the man meant it!" Merida speaks as she motioned over to Gobber earlier comment and winced as her mother glared over in her direction. "I mean that it's not bad, I mean you are not bad, you are sort of cute.....that's not how I meant." There were few snickering sounds, before Merida glared in that direction. "I always thought that the man was older, or as old as I am!"

"Oh we didn't explain that part did we?" Orme asks as something finally dawned on him from where he was trying to calm down the Night Fury.

"You forgot to explain what?" Anna asks with wife eyes.

"You all were taken from different period in time." Anya answers in return, before motioning towards Arek.

"Well you see." Arek begins. "Hiccup here is just a year younger than Elsa and Rapunzel, which means he was born in the same year as that of Merida and Kristoff here. Where as the spirits or Guardians and the Hamadas and Friends came from the twenty first century, which means they came a lot later than you guys, but somehow we ended picking you up from different points in timeline, like how I picked Hiccup and Co. from his teenage years, Hamada's and Co. From the first time Hiro met his brother's friends and Baymax, Elsa and Anna from the time of coronation and Rapunzel from the point where they've just entered Corona and Merida just before the neighboring tribes were to visit."

"So me and Hiccup.."

"Its actually 'Hiccup and I', dear." Merida's mother interjected and she scowled as she was corrected.

"Hiccup and I, are of the same age?" Merida forced out the words with a pointed look towards her mother.

"Yes." Anya answered.

"And he is the Dragon Conqueror?" Merida asks again, that seems break the whole of Berk from the shock as many began stuttering.

"How? What? When? Why?" Snotlout unable to believe that what he saw actually happened, or is supposed to happen.

"That was incredible!" Fishlegs says as many Viking cheered.

"That was awesome!" The twins banged their heads.

"Maybe we were brought here to see the defeat of dragons!" Spitelout exclaimed with a cheer as many did join him. Well most did except for few, Valka who was looking at anywhere but her son and the screen, Stoick, Gobber, Gothi and the Hoffersons who kept on glancing between Hiccup and Valka and Hiccup who was busy glancing at the screen than at the dragon. After the dragon had tried to attack him and Orme had calmed it down, he saw the dragon's eyes. They were not how his dad and Gobber described them to be, they were showing fear, the dragon was afraid, of him, of the future.

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