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Chapter 1

Sansa Stark was truly beautiful.

Not the kind of beautiful that spent hours to capture or the type that was more appreciated in other parts of the world.

No, she was the type that all men craved and all women envied. Her blue eyes held power and her red hair was a symbol of her fierceness. She didn't walk with grace as Margaery always did, instead her walk held confidence and strength.

You could hate her but still stare at her like the Gods made her special. Her beauty could be used as a weapon.

That's what I used to blame my happiness on when she supposedly took the life of my brother by law.

Or perhaps there was no love for King Jofferey to begin with.

But even I, a person who never really spent much time with Sansa Stark, could tell her soul was good and her heart kind.

That much could not be said for my Grandmother. Olenna Tyrell only cared for her family, so taking the life of her king wouldn't be very hard. I suspected it of course, I knew she would never stand for her granddaughter to be tied to someone in marriage as cruel as Jofferey.
I never did try to be mad at her or question her antics, I would of done the same for Margaery of any of my family if I had inherited the Tyrells brave heart.

I watched her beside me as she pretended to display her surprise as Joffereys time came to an end.

I watched as anger and grief take control of Cersei Lannister's mind. As she shouted for her brother and his wife to be blamed for her son's murder.

Even if I had believed Sansa to be the one behind his murder, she would still remain as beautiful as ever in my mind. People would still think of her as they did her mother. Kind and fierce.

I hoped my own mother would think of me as fierce as I rode out of Kings Landing, however what I hoped and what I didn't wouldn't make a difference and certainly didn't matter when they were dead.


My Father.

And now Olenna.
All dead.

My family were dead and it was all Cersei Lannister's doing.

I didn't have an army or allies in fact most people thought I was dead. I wasn't stupid, I knew I couldn't kill Cersei Lannister on my own.

I couldn't kill Cersei Lannister but I knew someone else who could.

Someone who had an army.
Someone who wanted revenge just as much as me.

Someone with dragons.


The chapters pretty short so my apologies for that but I assure you the next ones will be longer, as this is just a run through of everything that's happened and where the story really takes off.

I would like to warn in advance that not everything will be explained and mentioned at once.

I've read every single Arya Stark fanfiction on Wattpad, AO3, Tumblr and any other site you can probably think off because there's NEXT TO NONE which is so annoying considering she's my favorite character, so if anyone knows any unpopular ones that might be hard to find which is why I might've not read them please let me know lmao.

All my love,

Author x

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