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Chapter 7

The fire burnt and brought warmth to the room and the two inside it. It's glow reflected in Adelaide's eyes as she watched it in silence, she sat right infront of it allowing the heat to graze her face as her hand clutched the goblet of wine.

"I've missed this. Sitting in silence, wine in hand, with the company of a dear friend." Tyrion remarked. His words were slightly slurred from all the wine he's drank, though Adelaide was sure she's drank the same amount as him, if not more.

"I'm your only friend." Adelaide snorted bringing the goblet to her lips and letting the sweet liquid run down her throat.

"Not true. You'll find I have many friends. Three of which you've already met."

Turning in her chair to face him, Adelaide rolled her eyes, "Jaime doesn't count because he's your brother. Podrick tries to be everyone's friend. And Bronn.....Bronn only puts up with you because your rich."

"Well nobodies perfect." Tyrion replied. Drinking the remaining of his wine. He slides of his chair gesturing his hand out for my goblet and I give it to him to refill with his.
"Sometimes wanting a man's loyalty is best done with gold. Especially when your rich."
Giving her a pointed look he passed one goblet to her, taking the other with him back to his seat.

"We'll see how far that gets you." Adelaide mumbled tracing her finger around the rim of her goblet.

She's never felt more out of place in the North, so having Tyrion was a relief. The air was cold and harsh and the sky was dark and grim. So different to HighGarden and even Kings Landing where the weather was more gentle and the sun shun proudly in the sky.  When she first arrived at Winterfell, Adelaide was foolish enough to believe everything would go back to normal, but normal life didn't include white walkers or even dragons. If the Gods were good, perhaps we will win this war but still, nothing would be the same. War changes people and so does death.

A harsh truth but one to keep in your mind.

"What will you do?" Adelaide snapped her head up to Tyrion who still kept his gaze on the fire Infront of him. As if sensing her confusion, he spoke again, " when the war is done, when we are freed from this nightmare. What will you do?"

"Go to Kings Landing ." The answer seemed to peak the youngest Lannisters attention as he settled his eyes on her and not the fire.
"What business do you have in the capital?"

"I have to say my good-byes." Adelaide muttered. Realization downed on Tyrion. How could he be so stupid?

"My apologies m'lady. I don't think I ever got the chance to offer my sympathies. Your family was a Noble and respected one. They did not deserve the ending they got." Glancing at Tyrion, Adelaide saw nothing but genuine sorrow looking back at her. Tyrion and her have always had a close bond, though neither could exactly label what they felt, the mutual care they had for each other was something they both cherished greatly.

"Thank you Tyrion. It means alot." Adelaide said softly giving him a small smile. "All I can do is avenge them."

"And how do you mean to do that?"

"To see that Cersei is given the death she deserves." Adelaide said it as if it were the most obvious thing in the world, and it was. Adelaide had told Tyrion her plans many times, he was present the day she had met with the mother of dragons. Adelaide guessed the wine was to blame.

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