Arya Stark.

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Chapter 5

The sounds of iron swords colliding with each other filled the air. My movements were fast and swift as I blocked incoming attacks and sent them back to Jorah Infront of me. I kept my right hand securely on my sword and the other behind my back. I watched him carefully to predict his next move as he did the same to me.

We stood facing each other both waiting for the other to make the next move. I kept my gaurd up and tried to calm my breathing as best I could without losing my focus. I had fought with Jorah only once before but I had seen him fight on his own and with others, giving me the chance to notice how he not only watches his apononts face, but their hands and feet as well, letting him know the best way to attack and how they'll defend themselves against it. When he has that, he always holds the handle of the sword tighter and his left eye ever so slightly squints.

When I seen that small action I diverted my focus to his sword. It was like everything went in slow motion as he moved his
arm with the sword upwards in the air aiming for my throat. His free hand moved out Infront of him, using this to my advantage I grabbed his wrist, twisting it into a position that could brake his arm if he tried to escape the hold too hard, stopping him from moving my hands out of the way. Plunging my sword from my side up against his own successfully blocking his own sword from slitting my throat. We held the position for a few seconds, both our breaths coming out in heavy pants.

After a few moments a proud look washed over his face as his lips carved into a smile, making me do the same.

"You've improved." He pointed out looking impressed. "Who taught you?"

Releasing him from my grip I took a step back, him following suit waiting for an answer.

"Gendry showed me a few things, plus I've had a lot of free time." I shrugged, it wasn't a lie but it wasn't the full truth either.

"You could always help teach people, from what I've seen some could really use your help around here." He suggests, his eyes drifting behind me where Podrick was training with Brienne of Tarth.

"Perhaps." I mused sliding my sword back into place on my belt.

"Forgive my interruption, my lady. I was hoping we could have a word alone" Jaime side eyed Jorah, the ladder not looking bothered by the action.

"We'll continue training tomorrow." Jorah says before leaving to find Daenerys I presumed.

I didn't give Jaime a second glance before turning and walking in the opposite direction. My pace increased as he followed.

"If you would allow me to explain-"

"What is there to explain? Your crazy bitch of a sister blew up my siblings, my father and countless others in the Sept of Baelor, and then you and Lannister army marched to HighGarden where you killed more innocent people including my Grandmother!" I exclaimed, my voice angry and accusing.

"Olenna wasn't exactly innocent!, she poisoned-"

"Poisoned Jofferey?" I laughed, "She was doing what everyone wished to be done. He was a shit king and an even shittier husband!" I stopped walking and turned to face him. He looked away from my angry eyes, thinking his next words carefully.

"I understand why you're angry, but if killing Olenna meant protecting my family, I'd do it a hundred times over." He finally states, once again looking into my eyes.

"So why are you here talking to me? To ask my forgiveness?" I sigh, tired of this conversation.

"Tyrion seems to trust you and I trust him. You and I both want to avenge the people we lost. The only way to avenge them is if we fight together. I am sorry for Olenna and the rest of your family. But that won't matter if we're a bunch of dead people." He says.

"I'll fight beside you when the army of the dead come." My voice was calm and serious as I looked him dead in the eyes. "But don't expect it off of me when the war is over. I made a vow to Daenerys Targaryen that I will fight by her side until Cersei Lannister gets what she deserves. I intend on keeping that vow. Even if it means destroying the people who get in my way." I didn't give him time to respond as I walked off.


I had made it up to the castle walls overlooking soldiers training. My hands Infront of me, my fingers twisting the rose ring on my finger that matched Margaery's. A nervous habit I had picked up.

"My two beautiful roses." My mother would call us.
"My strongest rose knight." Was how she would refer to Loras.

I missed everything about them. I missed Margaery's smile and comforting aurora.
I missed Loras's laugh and teasing.
I missed Olenna's snarky remarks and lectures.
I missed my father's soft smiles.
I missed my mother's love.
I never gave myself the proper chance to grieve them. I kept my mind busy and distracted, until now.

I stared off into the distance with a blank face, my fingers still twisting the ring.

"I've seen you train." An unfamiliar voice spoke from behind me. "Your good." The voice was low and slightly horse but the northern accent was clear. Snapping out of my trance I turned to the voice.

I wasn't sure who I was expecting to see but it certainly wasn't her. The girl who's name I learnt from Sansa was Arya Stark. She stood straight with her head high and arms behind her back. Her hair was slicked back out of her face, like how it was the first time I seen her in the crowd of northerners when I first came here. I couldn't help but notice how different she was to Sansa. I only would have known they were sisters because I was told.

"Thank you." I simply replied trying not to come across as rude. After my conversation with Jaime Lannister my mood was ruined and I didn't much feel like having another one.
Turning back around I hoped she would take the hint and leave.

She did not.

Instead she walked up beside me, her focus on the view before her. It was silent for a while until she broke it.
"I was told you were lively and charming. Yet here you stand not looking either of those things."

I could her the smirk in her voice, I could here the amusement and mocking. My jaw clenched and my grip on my ring tightened.

I turned to face her only to see she was already looking straight at me. Up close, her eyes were a pretty green colour, her skin looked soft and pale with a rosy tint due to the cold. Arya was actually quite pretty. Not that I would ever admit it out loud.

"I'm so very sorry for the disappointment. Perhaps you should get your knowledge from a more reliable source." My voice was laced in sarcasm as I held the eye contact.

Her eyes still danced with amusement and the corner of her lips tugged. For a moment I thought she was going to laugh.

She took another step forward eyes never leaving mine. My heart began racing, it was beating so loud I was sure she could hear. We were so close, I felt her breath on my face. Her eyes left my emerald ones, she roamed all over my face like she wanted to memorize it. Her eyes searched my face stopping briefly at my lips.

By now the atmosphere grew tense and suddenly it wasn't as cold as it was only moments ago. It felt suffocating in a way, needing to break it, I spoke up "My, If I knew you would take such great interest in my face, I would of drew you a portrait."

She cocked a brow eyes meeting mine once again. There was some other emotion in her eyes, one I couldn't place.
She stared at me a few seconds longer before making a move to leave.


Before I myself could leave, I felt a hand grab my forearm stopping me from taking a step forward.

I felt her breath on my neck and her sword and dagger on my back.

"Why would I want a portrait? A portraits useless when I can stare at the much prettier real life version Infront of me." She whispers into my ear. The words roll of her tongue like velvet. She removes her hand off my arm and leaves like nothing happened.

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