I just want to go home.

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Chapter 3

- Kings Landing -

For the capital and home of the crown, Kings Landing was nothing compared to HighGarden, not just in appearance but the people in Kings Landing weren't nearly as nice let alone as trustworthy but maybe that's the homesickness talking.

"The first thing I will do when I arrive home will be taking a nice long walk around the gardens without the feeling of being stared at" I complained arms linked with Sansa's.
"What about you, what will you do when you return to Winterfell?"

"If I ever return to Winterfell that is" Sansa always did try to act strong, that everything that happened never actually did. Turning to face her I seen her once happy and bright eyes pooling with tears not looking as happy or bright but rather gloomy and empty. My heart broke for the girl, not only was her pain unimaginable to me but because she's had to go through it alone in a foreign place with foreign people.

"Don't think like that"

"It's true is it not? Jofferey will never allow me to leave, not when I am his to torment. I don't know how I could ever be so foolish as to believe I loved him or that he loved me." By now she was crying, tears streaming down her face, her once strong facade crumbling like the walls she had built around her mind.

I didn't say anything because I knew there was nothing I could say to reassure her. She was right, I knew she was and she knew it too. Margaery could manipulate Jofferey all she wanted to, she could distract him for however long she needed but it would never be enough. He was a cruel boy and once he decided what to do with Sansa there was no stopping it.

Sansa didn't need fake truths or empty promises she just needed a friend and although we weren't close infact this was probably only our third conversation I was willing to be that person for her. I wrapped my arms around her in a hug and she welcomed the embrace. I rubbed my hand up and down her back in a comforting gesture as she cried.

"I just want to go home! I just want to see my family! I just-" her cries became louder as she let her emotions out.

"Your a strong girl Sansa, if anyone can get through this it's you"

"I can't."

"You have to try"

She moved her face from my shoulder and looked me in the eyes which were now bloodshot and still watering.

Wiping her tears with my thumb I spoke "Jofferey sees you as some weak toy that he can play with whenever he gets bored, but that's where he's wrong. Your Sansa Stark of Winterfell, eldest daughter to Ned and Catelyn Stark and lady of Winterfell, the last thing you are is weak."

"How can you be so sure"

"Because someone who was weak would never of made it as far as you, someone who was weak would of never survived the things you have."

"I don't want to be strong I just want to go home" she whispered.

"Me too"

There was a spark in her eyes that wasn't there before causing me eyebrows to fur in confusion.

"One day we'll escape and we'll both go to Winterfell or HighGarden! I can show you how beautiful the North really is and you can show me the beautiful gardens! We'll do it together without any man!" She squealed and I couldn't help but giggle at that.

"How could I ever say no to such a wonderful idea, although I don't think I'd do well in the North."

"Nonsense you'd look absolutely beautiful surrounded by the white snow!"

We both laughed, true, genuine laughs.

- end of flashback -


As I along with the rest of Daenerys's army left for Winterfell I smiled fondly at the memory. Finally I would be reunited with Sansa, I could only hope she had missed me let alone even remembered me.

I guess I would finally be able to determine whether or not I would do well in the north and how beautiful I would look surrounded by the white snow.

"What's got you all happy" Tyrion's voice interupted my thoughts.

"Nothing that concerns you" I smiled cheekily at him.

He only raised his eyebrows and passed me his bottle filled without a doubt with wine.


Moving things pretty fast so I can get to when they arrive at Winterfell which will be the next chapter probably.

Honestly I think we all need an Adelaide Tyrell in our lives because the way she comforts Sansa is just precious. I consider myself luck enough to have someone like her in my life which is who I wanted to base her in this scene off of.

Please vote and any criticism/feedback is welcomed as long as you're not rude about it.

All my love,

Author x

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