Comfort from a Queen.

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(chapter 10)

Nothing could prepare the North for the war that was making its way to Winterfell. People trained harder, blacksmith's worked faster. Even the horse's seemed to sense the darkness as they grew wilde and restless.

The air grew cold and it seemed almost a millennial since the sun was last seen in the sky.

The people were scared but none dared say a word, as if it would cause the disaster to arrive quicker.

War strategies had been drawn up but Adelaide could not seem to focus on what was being said, like the words were spoken in a foreign tongue that she did not bother to try learn.

Adelaide spent her time praying to whatever god's would listen, asking for the North's fortune in the war and reassuring her family, that she would once again be reunited with them all once again, in good time.

In her mind she cursed Cersei Lannister for breaking her promise to help the North defeat the dead. Many people did too. Even with northerners, dothroki, unsullied and two dragons, this was a war they had a slim chance at winning.

Her limbs ached and she was sure she had gained at least two new scars. One going down the side of her right calf, and another at her ribcage.
Removing herself from her spot on the bed, Adelaide made her way out of the door to find something to distract her mind.
She was careful to stay in the shadows, moving swiftly behind loaded carts without a present owner. She avoided the blacksmith's tent and where food was being served, where most people were crowded.

She did not feel particularly keen on meeting Tyrion or hearing one of his snarky comments. She knew if she met with Jaime, she would receive a nasty scolding from Jon Snow about how he's more valuable alive than dead. Infact she did not wish to see any of the Starks. The family, despite knowing Sansa a time ago, were a little strange to her. Sansa was far more serious, Jon was always brooding about something, Bran was a complete mystery to her and she preferred to keep it that way, and Arya quite frankly creeped her out.

Quickening her pace, she took random turns not sure where she was going but wanting to be away from all people.

"Fleeing before battle?" The voice behind her questioned.

Adelaide stopped not expecting to hear Daenerys Targaryen of all people.
"I would prefer to think I have more honour than that, your grace." Adelaide replied dipping her head down in respect.
When she looked back up her eyes wandered behind the Queen to see the back of Jon snow's figure retreating back into the castle walls.

In her haste, she had not noticed she was heading out of Winterfell's walls. She winced at the mistake, realizing how this may look to to Daenerys.

"Trying to clear you mind?" Daenerys looked almost concerned. Her eyes soften and her voice lost its commanding tone.
Adelaide tried to hide her shock in fear of offending her.

"Yes. Your Grace."

Daenerys moved closer to the girl and held her cold hands in her own warm ones. She pulled gently, turning them so they were able to see Drogon and Rhaegel flying in the sky above.

"Beautiful are they not?" Daenerys smiled warmly at the sight of them.

"Indeed." Adelaide agreed. She too watched the dragons fly, though not with as much love as her Queen.

"They will fight against the army of the dead with great strength, just as whom they were named after would." Daenerys kept her eyes trained on the dragons, but Adelaide turned to her with an arched brow and a confused look in her eye.
Why was she telling her this?

"We won't lose this war. However I fear the amount of lives it will cost to ensure that." Daenerys sighed.

"If there's one thing I learned about northerners, it's that they have the courage to die fighting for what they believe. For their people. A great courage not many people have." Adelaide muttered the last part.

Whatever Daenerys was going to say was interrupted by Theon Greyjoy calling from a short distance away.
"My lady, Your Grace " he quickly acknowledged them both. "The Queen is wanted in the main hall."

Adelaide never got to hear what Daenerys wanted to tell her.


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