Winter is Here.

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Chapter 9

"My Lady." Adelaide bowed her head slightly as she greeted her old friend.

"You don't have to call me 'my lady' when no one's around." Sansa reminded her, restraining herself from smiling.

"It's not so bad- once you get used to it."

"Well I'm glad someone's gotten used to it." Sansa looked out over the battlement wall, to where Jon and Daenerys stood together laughing.
"Jon's the King the north will follow. Not me."

"Has anyone said anything to you?" Adelaide asked, concerned. She didn't know why she felt the sudden need to protect Sansa, but she did.

"No, but I can see the way they all turn to Jon for everything. They're loyal to him. The practically worship him." Sansa's eyes moved to the mother of dragons, "-and soon, they'll worship her."

"Sansa are you jealous of Jon?" Adelaide didn't bother hiding the surprise she felt.

"No." Was all Sansa said, a far away look in her eyes.


"We're you ever jealous of Margaery? Or even Loras for that matter?" Sansa cut in quick, turning to look at me.

"When I was younger perhaps, why does it matter?"

Sansa opened her mouth to answer, but no response came. She glanced at Adelaide quickly and then to Jon before dropping her gaze to the ground, "It doesn't. It was stupid- I'm sorry." She tugged at her cloak, bringing it more closer to her body, "if you'll excuse me." Sansa muttered, walking by Adelaide in quick paces.

"Sansa?" Adelaide called out for her confused, but Sansa didn't stop walking until she was out of view.

Adelaide stared as the place her friend was just moments ago, was she jealous of Jon? 
Such a thing seemed foolish, it was Sansa she was talking about. From what she was told, Sansa and Jon weren't the closest growing up, but in times of war and need, the two have grown closer. Yet the North grew fond of the bastard son of Eddard Stark, and that didn't seem to please the eldest Stark daughter.

Nonsense, Adelaide scolded herself, she would give Sansa time to gather her thoughts, until then, the business of her and her brother was no concern of her.

Turning back, Adelaide found herself watching Jaime Lannister and Brienne training, he was good, no doubt, but she would never tell him that. The longer she watched the more clear it became that Brienne was better at the sword then the famous king-slayer, Adelaide found herself smiling at that.

Feeling someone's gaze on her, Adelaide searched the courtyard until her eyes found those green ones she found herself thinking about alot lately. Sending a confused look her way, the only response Adelaide received was a smirk and an innocent shrug of her shoulders.

Rolling her eyes, Adelaide sighed in annoyance before making her way along the battlement walls in search of some wine. All she could think of was how much she loathed Arya Stark.


As days past, the air grew tense. The winds sang of monsters in the night, warning us, only we could not understand. If you weren't training with weapons you were helping the young and weak. Mother's clutched their children tight, whispering promises they could not keep. Father's trained their children to fight and how to stay alive. The blacksmith's worked harder to supply as many weapons out of dragon-glass as they possibly could. Cooks made sure everyone kept their energy with hot meals. Everyone had somewhere they would much rather be, yet Winterfell was where they needed to be.

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