The calm before the storm.

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(chapter 11)

"Look, on the west wall!"

"Get down to the crypt!"

"We'll take him. Come on, help the lads!"

"Quickly, now! Quickly! Get those in position. Come on!"
"Yes, my lady."

Winterfell was complete chaos. People rushed about yelling and completing orders. Children screamed fearful cries as their mothers tried to calm them despite their own fear.

Adelaide tightened her hold on her newly forged dragonglass sword that sat in it sheath, not yet painted in blood.

Striding through the courtyard overrun with northerners, she made her way to help with whatever she could. Finding a heap of swords and helmets she began passing them out to those in need of them.
She received many grateful nods as the weapons were taken from her arms.

Having only one more sword left Adelaide scanned the crowds. Everyone needed to be properly equipped.

"Go and ask her!"
"I don't want one!"

Adelaide turned to her right where two boys, hardly fourteen years old argued loudly. One was holding a sword that mirrored the ones she had in her hands, the other was without one.

They were clad in armour, head to toe. Being surrounded by unsullied and dothraki made them look even smaller than they already were.

"You have to have something to defend yourself with!"
"Why can't you defend me!"
Their argument continued.

"Ay, he's right. You need something to defend yourself with. Unfortunately your brother won't be able to defend both of you." Adelaide passed the last sword she carried into the boys shaking hands.

In her heart it burned to hand the sword over to such a young child. In her mind a voice told her it was what needed to be done.

The boys hands dropped slightly from the weight of the weapon. He examined it closely in fearful amazement.

"What your names?" Adelaide asked.

The one who looked youngest was too busy marvelling at the sword, so instead his brother answered for the both of them.
"I'm Viktor." He gestured to the other boy.
"And my younger brother, Loras."

Adelaide pushed the sinking feeling in her heart, as her brothers name was mentioned.

Viktor stared at the ground uncertainly before meeting Adelaide's eye again.
"I've used a sword before. With my father. Nothing serious of course, not like this. Just some sparing. But Loras- Loras has never even held one before! He cannot fight this war! Please! I've seen you talking with the dragon Queen, and both lady Starks. If you could tell them- or-or-" Viktor's words were rushed as he tripped over them in his haste.

Adelaide silenced him with a comforting hand to his shoulder as she bent down to his height. He looked back at her with pleading eyes, ones that hurt Adelaide to look at.
"I'm sorry lad. But I do not have that kind of influence. To ask would be pointless for I have done so already many times. I have argued with Jon Snow, Daenerys and her council many times. All who are physically able to fight, must do so."

She turned to Loras who was no longer looking at his sword, but at the Lady Mormount who was commanding two of her men.
"I can fight." He said in a small voice. He faced her once again, this time the fear in his dark brown eyes was slightly more noticeable than before.

Adelaide smiled softly. Standing to her full height. Silently she gestured to the sword in his hands. Understanding this, Loras held the sword in his hands, copying the soldiers around him.
"Very good" Adelaide praised. "Keep your feet apart. Your dominant one should be Infront."
He followed her every word. Nervously looking at his brother every once in a while for reassurance. Viktor would reply with an encouraging smile.

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