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I'm sure it was a bit obvious to some, but I no longer will be continuing with this story.
I love Arya and I love the Game of Thrones/asoiaf universe, but I have no motivation for this story anymore.
I have the next chapter half complete, titled, "The Fight of Two Kings" but I couldn't for the life of my finish it.
For those interested my plan for the story included,
-Jon would be the one to kill the Night King.
-Arya and my oc would kill Cersei (both wanting revenge)
-Oc would find their way back to High garden, Lady of High garden maybe.
-Jon would either kill Daenerys or they would both rule Westeros.

This was my first Story that I published on here, and Game of Thrones is not the easiest universe to write about and to insert an oc in, for someone with next to no writing experience.
I had to force myself to continue with this story, and that's not what I want to do, especially when it will reflect and show in my writing.

Thank you for all the votes and feedback, all was appreciated and I enjoyed reading all your comments.
Maybe I'll continue with this story later on but for now, Lost will not be continuing.

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