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Chapter 4

I stared at her bewildered trying to register what she had just said. "You mean to tell me that he has actual emotions, and can talk?"

She laughed, a sweet soft laugh. Throwing her head back and shoulders raising as the sound breezed through the air. "yes Adelaide that is exactly what I'm telling you" she smiled softly once she had calmed down.

"How come he doesn't talk to me?" I said in fake offense, putting a hand to my chest.

"He's a very reserved person. Besides you only ever try winding him up to get a reaction out of him." Missandei gave me a knowing look.

"What can I say, there's not much other entertainment." She gave me a weak smile, I'm sure there's other places she'd rather go than the North, especially with an army of dead people on their way.

"Are you worried about the war?" It was a stupid question after all who wouldn't fear a massive army of dead people? But I needed to hear it from someone else, Daenerys acts like we're going to fight normal soldiers, Jon snow isn't as confident but he never really let's it show, and as for the unsullied, they don't show any indication of fear or worry and the dothraki I dare say seem excited.

"I'm not worried about losing, we have two dragons after all." She hesitated before speaking again, "I'm more worried about what we will lose, who we could lose."

"Your worried about Greyworm aren't you?" I ask.

She looked away from me and down at her hands.

"Greyworm is the strongest unsullied soldier out of all of them, there's no way a bunch of dead people will be able to kill him. I'm sure of it." I tried my best to reassure her.

She nodded her head and smiled once again, "your right it was a silly thought." She mumbled.

"It only shows how much you care for him, I bet he worries for you too." I tell her.

We had been traveling for a few days now and I hoped we would reach Winterfell by the morning if we continued at our current pace. It only seemed a few moments ago that we stopped for a break before we were back on our horses once again traveling foreign roads.

Missandei and I had gotten closer these past few days, the only friends I had ever had were my siblings, Sansa and Astrid (a girl from HighGarden.) I had learnt Daenerys had bought Missandei from her master, Missandei came from Naath and that she cared for a certain unsullied.

I pulled my cloak tighter around my body, the closer to Winterfell we got the colder it became. I was tempted to jump of the horse I rode on and lie on the cold ground until death greeted me. It was like everytime we got near to our destination it grew legs and located miles further, a sign perhaps from the Gods.

I moved my horse until I now rode in-between ser Davos and Gendry. "How much longer do you think we'll have to travel?" I whispered to ser Devos not wanting Jon or Daenerys's to hear me ask the question I asked both of them at least a dozen times before.

"Not much longer considering Winterfell lies just up ahead" he smiled. I snapped my head from his eyes to the road up ahead and sure enough Winterfell stood proudly covered in snow in all it's glory.

"Thank the Gods" I groaned earning a laugh from both Gendry and ser Devos.

"Not much for long travels I take it then?" Gendry asked from beside me

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