Adelaide Tyrell.

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Chapter 6


"My weapon?"

"I'll get right on it."

Gendry watched Arya's retreating figure as she left, he had noticed how she had changed since their last meeting, but now it was clear to see that she like always was a complete mystery to him.

He liked that about her.


Arya moved through crowds of Northerners and foreigners, some fighting and some trying to fight. Heavy breathing and grunts were heard along with curses.
Swords swung and people fell. In an odd way it brought comfort to her. It reminded her that she wasn't alone and that they weren't going into this war defenseless and unprepared.
Moving through groups of unsullied she kept walking until her attention was on an older man she recognized as Ser Jorah Mormont, one of Daenerys Targaryen's closest advisors.

Arya's eyes moved to the girl he was fighting. The girls back was turned to her  so her face was kept unknown. She had long dark hair that curled at the ends and bounced as she moved.
She blocked each and every one of Jorah's attacks and delivered them back to him in what could be described as elegance yet held just as much power.

Arya moved to where a group of men and women watched, mentally taking notes on they way the girl defended herself.  Standing beside them to try get a better look at who the girl was, she continued watching her. Just her.
Her skills were impressive there was no denying it.
Skill that came with alot of practice Arya thought, she couldn't be one of Winterfell's people who just began training then.
Arya continued watching as the girl used her sword as if it were a third hand.
The two continued until the girl gripped Jorah's arm successfully keeping it in place in-between them as their swords crashed together.

Arya stepped closer keeping near to groups of people, to her luck the girl stood back giving Arya a better view of her side profile. Squinting her eyes and knotting her eyebrows in confusion, Arya searched her mind as to where she's seen the girl before because she was sure she had. It was when the girl turned her head down and to the side to slide her sword back on her belt did she see her face more clearly.

Arya remembered seeing her riding in between Gendry and ser Devos when Jon had arrived back with Daenerys and her army. She also recalled seeing her and Sansa together.

Jorah and the girl exchanged a few words until Jaime Lannister walked up beside them, Jorah left and so did the girl in the opposite direction with the Lannister hot on her heels.

Arya watched her leave until leaving her spot in the crowd to go find her sister.


No one was better suited being 'Lady of Winterfell' as much as Sansa. She sat behind a wooden table in her chambers, a map was laid out and covered almost completely in scrolls sent by ravens from many different people.
Her head snapped up as Arya closed the door behind her and began her silent walk up until she was standing right Infront of her older sister.

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