Chapter 1

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You were running through the woods, a deep scratch in your arm. You were exploring, having heard that the woods are beautiful during the full moon. To which they were, until you got attacked. A large furred creature had tried to kill you, but you got out with just this bleeding gash. As twigs moved as you ran through, you found yourself back at your house. You got in, closing and locking the door as you then poured alcohol over the wound. It burned, oh God how it burned. Gritting your teeth in your panic, you went on to sew it shut. There was no hospital around this far out, so doing it yourself would have to work.

The bleeding soon stopped, no sign of the creature that attacked you. You laid in bed, eyes wide open as you found yourself unable to sleep. As the sun came up, you carefully went outside to go to the store. Your feet dragged, jumping at every little noise. There was something in the woods, and you weren't going to take the chance of getting attacked again. You got into your car, driving to the nearest Kroger.

Heading inside, you found yourself looking for the vitamins. This layout was odd, nothing like back in Illinois. What you came to notice was that someone was watching you, you could feel their eyes burning into you, but you couldn't find who it was. It's just because of the bandage. You reasoned, looking at your arm. It must be terrifying to see someone with this on.

You found yourself holding a bottle of melatonin, deciding if you want it or not . You jumped as you realized someone was beside you, a woman with shoulder length hair. She looked to be in her mid-40's, her eyes trailing from your eyes to the bandaging on your arm. "What happened?" She asked hesitantly, holding a bottle of Vitamin D tablets. "Oh, uh... This? I got attacked by something in the woods." You admitted, the woman looking at you in shock. You stood there, watching the awkward woman glance away for a few seconds. "You look to be new in town. I'm Diane." She changed the subject, the awkwardness in the air was thick enough to cut with a knife. "(Y/N). Wait, you're that woman down the street, aren't you? With the garden?" You asked, seeing the woman nod with hesitation.

You were leaving Kroger after paying for what you needed, finding that Diane had parked beside you when she opened the trunk to her vehicle. You decided to help her, seeing her look up and smile. "Thank you." When the groceries were in, you headed to your vehicle and waved goodbye.

The moon was out again, almost full. You could see Diane's lights on down the street, though you chose not to go over. It was too late to head out anywhere anyways. That was until someone knocked on your door.

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