Chapter 10

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Diane had driven you home and gotten a Lyft back to the bar to get her vehicle. As she walked across the parking lot, she heard a growl. She turned to the noise, seeing several glowing eyes. A growl formed in her throat, the hairs on the back of her neck rose. "You just don't give up, do you?" Diane snarled, the werewolf from the that night coming into the light. "I'd prefer if you stayed out of the way. She's a lovely little trick, perfect for breeding season." She sneered, Diane feeling her blood turn cold. How dare she. How dare she say that! Diane swung, fur bristling through her skin as she landed a punch square against her jaw. Diane had transformed, fueled by rage, . "How dare you say that about my prey!" Diane roared, striking again. Just as she was ready to strike one more time, she felt teeth in her forearm. Diane growled, repeatedly punching them in the face . She heard a chuckle from the one she struck, that same cocky chuckle from back in the bar. "Don't you understand, old wolf?"

Diane slowly looked over, she was towering over Diane now. "You can't be around here no more, that girl belongs to me. Even if I have to make you watch me breed her." She growled, grabbing Diane by her head. Diane felt herself fly through the air, landing against the light pole. The werewolf came closer, grinning. Repeatedly striking wherever she could hit. Diane blocked many of them, but was soon held down.

By the morning, Diane was awoken by a jogger. After being left for presumably dead, Diane managed to drag herself into the woods. When she saw the jogger, she blacked out and awoke in a hospital. There you were now, beside her, where she much preferred to keep you. "Diane!" You whimpered, tears in your eyes. "I'm here. I'm here.." Diane reassured, gently waving her hand. She could finally able to see her condition.

A scar was over her eye, her back and shoulders rippled with deep scratches. This was war. Diane looked to you, the hunger in her stomach filled with a deep jealousy and lust.

She had to get stronger, she had to get her girl... Her prey.

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