Chapter 4

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You were in the driveway of your home, the awkward tension noticable. You gently touched Diane's face, giving her a kiss on her cheek. "Thank you." You whispered, Diane smiling. "See you tomorrow?" She asked, hopeful. "See you tomorrow. I'll be there at six." You reassured, watching Diane go home as you went inside.


Diane got in her house, yanking away the layers of clothes until she was in a Tshirt and pants. The feeling of your skin, it made her mouth water. She heard Chloe, drool falling from her lips. "I'm going to my room, do not open my door for your safety." Diane growled, almost stumbling up the stairs. Locking her door, Diane dug her nails into her scalp. The growling was louder, the feeling of her claws in your supple flesh, the taste of your blood, your scent. How would you taste if I gave in? No! No!

Diane slammed her fist against the mattress, screaming in agony at the pain in her stomach. She wanted to feel your flesh between her jaws, she wanted to lick meat off your bones, the marrow inside. Yet at the same time, she couldn't, she already had feelings for you, romantic feelings. Diane smacked her head against the wall, screaming and punching her stomach.

Chloe listened to the banging upstairs, hearing her mother's screaming and growling. She was worried about her, after she was in the woods for a hunt a day or two ago, she had been experiencing withdrawals. "No! No! Just stop! Please!" Chloe listened to the cries of agony her mother let loose, knowing she was talking about the wolf inside. Part of her wondered how she didn't lose herself while in your house. There was more banging and screaming until she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Chloe looked up from the television, seeing a bloodied Diane slowly coming down the stairs. Her fists were bloodied, a cut on her head. Her shirt was shredded, bruises and scratches all over her stomach.

Diane looked over, hunched over slightly in pain. "Never, please never get bit by a werewolf." Diane grumbled, going into the kitchen. She grabbed the bowl of rabbit stew she had stored away, heating it up and scarfing it down. Rabbit flesh had never tasted so soothing before.


The next day, you knocked on the door to Diane's house. You rocked on your heels, wearing a cute dress with dogs all over it and a jean jacket. Chloe answered the door, letting you in. "Mom! Your girlfriend is here!" Chloe called out, Diane coming down the stairs in a shirt with an anthropomorphic wolf holding it's tail and jeans. You quickly noticed the scar at her hairline and the scabbing on her fists. "Mother went to the store earlier and got jumped. She fought them off." Chloe whispered to you, heading to her room. "I'll be fine! Go on your date!" Chloe called out.

You walked with Diane to your car, noticing she shied away from your touch. To which you avoided touching her hands to keep her from getting uncomfortable. "Where to?" Diane asked, giving a small smile. "I packed a picnic basket. I found a spot by the river." You commented, flashing Diane a big happy smile.

What you didn't know was how Diane was looking at you when you weren't looking at her.

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