Chapter 5

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You carefully brought Diane out to the river, sitting in the grass by some pine trees. You glanced to Diane, tilting your head slightly. "Have you eaten today?" You questioned, slightly worried. She had the hungriest look in her eyes, staring at you with a deadpan expression. Then, her expression softened into confusion, then surprise. "Huh? Oh! Sorry. I've been really nervous so I haven't eaten yet." Diane stammered, hands shaking.

You nodded, then gave a small smile. "No need to be nervous, I'm not that special." You pulled out a couple sandwiches and a few other things. Fruit, scones with homemade jam, spring rolls, and leaving the dessert inside. "This is a lot, (Y/N)!" Diane commented, a blush creeping over her cheeks. "All homemade for you!" You chirped.


Oh God, look at all this food! Diane glanced at the sandwiches, noticing the marbling on some of the meat. "I noticed how much you like that steak yesterday, so I looked everywhere I could for some wagyu, basted it in some butter with garlic and rosemary, and then cut it into thin slices to make you this sandwich." You explained, Diane staring at the sandwich. Do not eat it like a wild animal, do not eat it like a wild animal. You cannot let loose! She will know you attacked her and she will not want to see you ever again. Diane unwrapped the sandwich, your eyes going wide as she bit carefully into it. She wanted to cry tears of delight, the fat of the meat melted immediately on her tongue, the meat itself tender. It felt like her first ever hunt. The texture of the beef, the earthy taste of the arugula, the way it cut seamlessly on her now canid fangs. She bit into it savagely, yanking her head back and catching sight of you. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!


She really likes that sandwich. "How is it?" You asked, unable to hold back a giggle. "Delicious." Diane nodded, eyes wide. You watched her rip the sandwich apart, scarfing it down like a starving dog. The way the meat tore around her teeth, falling apart on her tongue. She was weird, but in the endearing way. You showed her the fruit, seeing her pick up a piece of water melon. It fell apart at the slightest bit of pressure, sweet red juices dribbling. Diane nodded, chewing with a closed mouth. In some strange way, you could just sit and watch Diane eat. The bestial nature of her movements, her ravenous desire towards meat.

What you didn't understand is how someone jumped her when you didn't even see her car gone from her driveway all of today. Were these self inflicted? You did catch sight through her silhouette in her window. She was writhing in agony, and yet now... Now Diane was acting as though nothing happened. Perhaps you'd find some clues.

The picnic was splendid, though you saw how tame Diane was towards fruit and sweets. "Diane, can I tell you a secret?" You asked, Diane turning her attention towards you. She nodded, eyes locked on you. "When I was attacked that night, I may have said it was a creature. However, thinking back on that night... I think it was some bipedal wolf creature. It's claws were too short to be a bear's claw and the noises it made was very canid." You quietly explain.


Diane stared in shock, gently placing a hand where the bandaging was. "Whatever it was, it won't hurt you again." Diane reassured, her body tingling at just touching you. Her stomach twisted and writhed in hunger once more. She gently pulled her hand away after you nodded, mind retracing that night. Her mouth watered at the thought of supple human flesh, your fresh, the very flesh she craved more than anything else. Don't touch her anymore. "I should probably get you home, Chloe must be getting worried." Diane heard you say, straightening herself out and nodding. "Let's go home."

Getting in the car and taking the basket as well, the drive was excruciating for Diane. It took everything in her body to not pounce on you and rip you to shreds. And yet, more than anything, she wanted to kiss you. Such contrasting emotions. Diane saw you had pulled into her driveway, turning to you. "Thank you for our second date." Diane smiled, feeling you touch her. "Can I kiss you?" You asked, Diane feeling her heart race. Of course she wanted to kiss you, but she worried that she would bite you. "Y-yes." Diane managed to say, feeling your lips gently touch hers. She felt herself melting into the kiss, a growl escaping her throat.

She pulled away, seeing confusion and amusement in your eyes, Diane said goodbye and got inside. She knows she was giving conflicting messages, but she needed to protect you. She locked herself in her room, screaming in agony as she writhed around. "I can't do it! I can't! Make it stop!" Diane cried out. She ripped her nails across her body, dragging  marks that created tiny droplets of blood, needing to change her focus from the painful hunger that made her want to maim to the pain on her body. "Make it stop!"

She needed to protect you from herself.

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