Chapter 2

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You hesitantly opened the door, seeing Diane standing on your front porch. You looked to her house, finding the lights off. She was holding a dish, a rich olive oil smell. "I brought over tomato comfit, I was thinking about what to make and I realized I have a lot of tomatoes." She chuckled softly. "Come on in." You let her in, placing the tray down. Tomatoes baked in olive oil, baguettes, and mozzarella cheese sliced perfectly. The best cheese. "Were you about to go to bed?" She asked, eyes boring into you as she walked over. Her gait was gentle, but her stare was intimidated. She practically loomed over you, making you look up.

"No, I was actually about to watch a movie and clean my wound." You took a step back, Diane quickly realizing how close to you she was. "I was about to put on Bojack, we can watch that and snack." You offered, Diane nodding. "Sounds good to me."

Diane brought over the tray, you grabbing the alcohol, cotton balls, and bandages. You turned on Netflix, turning to Bojack Horseman. You sat down, Season 2 Episode 3 playing. "Can I help you with that?" She offered, you nodding. She gently dabbed at your wound, you eating a baguette piece with some mozzarella and tomato comfit.

"You know, Diane. I have to say, this is really good tomato comfit." You commented, Diane giving a small smile. "They're fresh from the garden." She commented quietly, a light blush covering her cheeks. "Are you warm?" You asked, Diane glancing to you with big eyes. "Huh? Oh! Just a smidge, I'll be okay." She giggled, awkwardly smiling. She finished cleaning your wound, staring at it before wrapping the bandage over it. "S-sorry, it's just a pretty gruesome scar." She stammered, sitting beside you and eating a little. "It's healing, at least." You mumbled, watching the TV.

You looked over, finding Diane passed out on your couch. You smiled, turning off the light and laying a blanket over her. You went to your room, laying down in bed and falling asleep. When you woke up, you heard clattering in the kitchen, making you get up and see what was up. You saw Diane making an omelette. She was stirring continuously, soon stopping and placing the cooked filling inside. Placing the lid and soon folding, she caught sight of you. She stared, eyes wide. "I made you food." She quietly spoke, you giving a small smile. "Thanks. Are you going to make yourself any to eat?" You asked, Diane giving a small nod. "Thank you for covering me with a blanket last night." Diane squeaked out, hearing a soft "you're welcome".

After breakfast, you said goodbye to Diane, giving her a hug. "Can I come by again?" She asked, looming over you again. "Anytime." You chirped, Diane smiling. She headed back home, though you had a feeling that she would be back soon. You glanced over, noticing she left her phone.

Perhaps you'd be back with her instead.

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