Chapter 9

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You hadn't heard from Diane for the rest of the night, neither all of the next day either. You sat in your living room, turning on the TV and watching Beastars. Maybe she just wants some space. You shrugged, looking at your phone. A notification from Diane popped up, she wanted to meet you at the bar tonight. You stared at the notification, thinking. You accepted her offer, getting ready. You cleaned your wound and got dressed after wrapping bandages over.

You ran to your car, driving over. The moon was high in the sky, stars dazzling like the spark of hope within your chest. You came inside, waiting at the bar inside. You ordered a drink, sipping it and looking around. One drink turned to two, then three. It had been two hours, prompting you to get ready to get up. Then, she was there. Diane.

"I don't know if I should be furious with you! I thought you stood me up, I've been here for two hours and I'm drunk!" You yelped out, tears in your eyes. Diane gently held your face, then smiled softly. "I'm sorry, so so sorry. Let me get you some food to help sober you up." She offered, you nodding in agreement. "Yes please."

Diane ordered you chicken fingers, fries, and mozzarella sticks. The plates were placed in front of you, already you were eating everything. "Slow down." Diane purred, having potato skins. "Diane, you can slow down the beating in my heart! Because you are beautiful! And sweet! And kissable!" You blurted, stuffing chicken into your mouth. The alcohol soon knocked you out after you finished eating.

You woke up on your couch, checking your phone. You were in the clothes you went to the bar in, it couldn't have been a dream then. You turned on the TV, your eyes growing wide at the news.

Diane was attacked outside the bar and found knocked out in the woods.

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