Chapter 6

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Diane clawed at her mattress, tossing and growling in bed. The taste of your lips, it was intoxicating, and yet here she was. Drool dribbled from her lips, agony ripping through every muscle fiber as she held back her urge to find and attack you. "No!" Diane cried out, punching her wall. "Make it stop!" Her stomach twisted and ached, writhing from the need to kill. "M-Mom? Are you okay?" Diane heard Chloe, to which she slammed her own head against the wall. "G-go to bed, honey! Mom's -fuck!- Okay!" Diane called out, seeing a feint trickle of blood coming down her face from the mirror across the room.

Diane could only see a monster looking back at her. She was deeply ashamed of what she was and the feelings she was having. She wanted to be with you, scream her affections to you before you chose someone else, and yet all she wanted to do was hunt you. "Diane?" She heard your voice, heart racing. "Diane, I heard screaming. Are you okay?" Your voice came through again, Diane fighting the urge. "Diane, I'm opening the door."

Diane saw you enter her darkened room, yanking you in as she closed the door. She had you pinned to the floor, baring her teeth. "Do you know... First... Aid?" Diane's voice was a growl deep in her throat. "I-I do." Your voice was a whimper. "Can you help me?" She slowly turned the light on, the scars on her stomach, the blood trickling down her face, the fangs that formed in her mouth. "Diane... What happened?" You asked, eyes full of worry. "I... I'm in so much pain." She whispered, seeing you nod. "You're covered in scars." You slowly got up, going to grab the first aid kit and bringing it back.

Diane yanked herself away from you, eyes wide. "Absolutely do not touch me!" She screamed, you jumping back with scared eyes. "Trust me, do not touch me. For your safety." Diane whimpered, grabbing the bandages and alcohol pads. "Just swipe over the scars with alcohol and apply the bandages around your stomach. You need me to tend to this one." You explained, touching her. Diane shuddered, grabbing your wrists with a tight grip. She stared at you, fighting herself internally. Then, she kissed you. She held the kiss for a moment, pulling away when she realized what she did. Diane understood the confusion in your eyes, kissing you again. She expected you to pull away, but your hands slowly perched themselves onto her shoulders.

This feeling was very new. While she wanted to hurt you, she could only kiss you in this moment. It was relieving. Her tongue darted across your bottom lip, feeling you cup her face and your jaw go slack. Her clawed hands lifted you onto her dresser, hugging you tightly. I'm so tired. She began to sob against your shoulder, feeling you rub her back. "I got you, Diane."

I'm so tired, (Y/N).

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