Chapter 8

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You watched Diane come closer, the werewolf beside you getting in her way. "Who are you?" The wolf growled, blocking her path. Diane glanced to you, then up at the werewolf. "I-I'm her neighbor. I need to talk to her." Diane calmly stated. You watched the werewolf grab Diane's arm. "She's busy." You began to get up from your chair, then heard a gutteral growl from Diane. She bared her teeth, showing razor sharp fangs. "I said..." You watched Diane grab her arm, nails puncturing skin under fur. "I need to talk to her." Diane growled, shoving the werewolf away.

You faced Diane, watching her angered expression change to what it was originally. Sadness. "(Y/N), I need to talk to you about last night." She spoke so quietly, her sharp teeth still on display. "Diane, you... You can't keep giving me mixed messages." You whispered, shaking your head. "But I-" "look, lady. You're ruining her night." The werewolf butted in, you watching Diane's expression turn from sadness, to surprise, slowly to a bitter snarl. She yanked the wolf down to her level, her nails now claws. "Look, I just need five fucking minutes. I'm sure you can find someone else's leg to hump in that time." Diane growled, shoving her away.

Diane turned back to you, now cornering you against the bar. You had to admit, seeing her so dominant was attractive. "Diane, you we're saying?" "I love you, but... I need time." Diane whispered. "How much time do you need?" You asked, searching her gaze. Even with such a firm grip on the bar counter, her eyes showed so much sadness and loneliness. She was shaking ever so slightly, you gently reaching out.

You gently touched Diane's cheek, seeing her flinch and slowly lean into your touch. "You're shaking." Your voice was barely a whisper, seeing her eyes. You've been so lonely for so long. "I'll wait for as long as you need." You promised, giving her a kiss and walking out with her. You paid for your shots and gave the bartender a tip.

You were headed to your car, turning your head as you saw someone come close. That werewolf from the bar. "Hey, cutie. Here's my number. If you get tired of waiting, give me a call." The werewolf gave you a wink, to which you swallowed nervously and nodded. You got into your car and drove home, Diane not too far behind. You got out, locking your door and hiding the phone number in your nightstand. "Please don't make me wait for too long." You whispered, hoping. Though...

You looked up at the half moon, sighing sorrowfully. How am I supposed to feel about the fact you attacked me that night?


Diane got home, shaking. Not in hunger, no... This was a different feeling. Sadness? Confusion? No. This was jealousy. A canine's jealousy was something to fear. Diane shook in anger, remembering the way that werewolf chick was touching you. Her hands were bleeding as she clenched her fists, claws piercing skin. She stared at her blood, shaking angrily. She didn't see Chloe at the top of the stairs as she clenched her fists again. "Mom, you're scaring me." Diane glanced up, her angered expression dropping to shock. Diane took a few steps away, going into the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Chloe. I didn't mean to scare you." Diane called out, washing her hands and bandaging them. "I just..." "You're jealous." "Extremely. There was someone touching (Y/N). It wasn't even sexual, she was just touching her back and I..." Diane was rambling now. "Use your words, mom." Chloe was now by the table, watching her. "I felt like my prey was being taken from me." Diane finally choked out. "I felt like that woman was going to take (Y/N) for herself, and it made me so... Angry that I almost started a bar fight." Diane added, glancing to Chloe. "I shouldn't be unloading this on you, I'm sorry." Diane began to walk away, feeling a tug.

Diane stopped in her tracks, looking back to Chloe. "Do you want to eat her?" Diane sat down in a chair, unable to face her with that question. She soon nodded, tears flowing from her eyes. "I do. So badly." Diane whimpered, sobbing. "What's keeping you from doing so?" Chloe's question made Diane think. She always felt, deep down, a strong happiness whenever she was around you. She loved seeing you smile, hearing you talk. "I'm in love with her... But I-I can't. I've already attacked her once before. What if I attack her again? What if I snap and eat her?" Diane questioned, eyes wide in fear. "You haven't eaten me." Chloe pointed out. "That's different. You're my kid." Diane shook her head. "Tell her how you feel." Chloe suggested. "She will run away if I told her I wanted to eat her." Diane retorted, tears still falling. "I'm fucked." Diane shook her head, feeling Chloe gently pat her back.

I'm fucked.

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