Chapter 7

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You gently took care of the wound on Diane's head, carefully laying her down after and tucking her in. She was exhausted, something in her sapping away energy. Her behavior has been absolutely weird, one minute she wants you, the next she is gagging at your touch. "I want to love you." You whispered, her eyes still open slightly. "But I can't if you don't let me." You got up, leaving Diane in her bed.

As you left her room, you glanced to Chloe. "Good night." You spoke gently, heading home. You wanted to love Diane, you wanted to run into her arms every day and kiss her soft lips. As you entered your house, you looked back. I just can't love someone who doesn't want to be loved.

As you laid in bed, you thought about the kiss Diane gave you. It was heated, desperate. The feeling of her fangs against your lips, her rough tongue compared to her smooth mouth, the sweet taste of her-. You put a pillow over your face, screaming into it. Why does it have to hurt loving you?


The next day, you decided to go in town and go to the bar that evening. The best way to get Diane off your mind was to find someone else. As you drove off, you swore you saw Diane staring at you in her window. She looked absolutely stunning in the gold lighting.

As you got to the bar, you came up to the bartender, handing over a twenty. "Scotch, no ice." You requested, the bartender filling only a little. "Keep it coming, cowboy." You chuckled, seeing him fill the glass full. "Someone likes their alcohol." The bartender commented, you sipping. "This someone is having girl problems." You muttered, giving a small regretful smile at your situation. "How many?" "Just one. She's beautiful, absolutely sweet, and a milf. She just... She just doesn't want to be loved." You softly explained, your smile fading away. "You know what they say. If you love something, let it go and it'll come back to you." The bartender commented, you nodding.

You mulled over that night in your head, thinking. The creature and Diane had the same brutish strength, her nails were just as sharp. No, that's impossible... But the bite mark on her arm, you swore you saw it when she wore that wolf shirt. "I think she was the one who attacked me that night." You blurted, the bartender glancing in horror. "Without her realizing, of course! You see, she has a bite mark on her arm... With her strength, I think she's a werewolf." You quietly explained. The bartender moved his sleeve. "Got one too. There's a werewolf in these parts that is an absolute prick. Don't trust random men, okay?" The bartender explained. "Aren't you a random man?" "Yes, but I'm looking out for your safety. I don't want you to have some wolf deep in your conscience telling you to kill. It fuckin sucks. That, or he'd fuckin eat ya." You nodded, seeing someone sit beside you.

"Hey baby." You rolled your eyes at the comment from the person beside you. "Can I buy you a drink?" He offered. "Sorry sir, you can't buy my wife a drink." The bartender butted in. The man glanced over, glaring. "I'm serious." Fangs bared at the man, you watched him scamper off. "Always works with punks." The bartender whispered. "Thanks for that save." You laughed quietly. You continued to drink your scotch, soon getting a club soda with grenadine after the buzz kicked in. After finishing the red drink, you glanced up. The moon was out and so was the Bartender's form.

"By day, a human establishment, by night a wolf establishment. I'd go home if I were you. Don't want to get caught up with a bunch of rowdy werewolves." The bartender warned softly. "I'll take my chances." You chuckled, then heard the first few come in. "Hey, dude. Can you get us some tequila shots?" A female werewolf spoke, then glanced to you. She noticed your drink. "And a second round of what she's having for her." The bartender nodded, getting you another club soda with grenadine. He put out the shot glasses, filling them with tequila. The three female wolves took their shots, howling after. You glanced at the shots. "I-I'll take a round of shots too." You shyly spoke, hearing them roar with excitement. "Rolling with the wolves! I like your style, girl!" The werewolf next to you slugged her arm over you, pulling you in. "Okay, hands off the human. She's already had a freak accident with werewolves, we don't want another." The bartender nodded to your bandaged arm. "Oh! Sorry." The lady got her arm off you, flashing an apologetic smile. "It's okay. You didn't know." You reassured, smiling. That's when the door whipped open.



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