Chapter 3

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You picked up Diane's phone, running over to her house. You were terrified out here, that creature could come back to attack you any second. You knocked on Diane's door, panting and looking around to be careful. Diane opened the door, you holding up her phone. "You left this." You panted out, Diane smiling awkwardly. She took her phone. "Would you like me to escort you over?" She asked, giggling at your alertness. "What ever attacked you won't be coming back." Diane reassured, you giving a nod. "Speaking of coming back, can... I take you out for dinner tonight?" Diane offered, awkwardly trying to seem cool. "I like the sound of that." You giggled a little, hearing a noise from inside. "Mom! Who is that?" You glanced over, seeing a girl in a wheelchair. "This is my daughter, Chloe." "Chloe, this is our new neighbor, (Y/N)." "Oh! This is the pretty woman you were talking about?" You glanced to Diane as Chloe said that, Diane's face turning bright red. "Chloe found my wine, I should take her to bed." She awkwardly fumbled. "I didn't have any wine, I've only had water to drink today." Chloe retorted. "See you at dinner." You whispered, giving Diane a kiss on the cheek.

Just as the door closed, you heard Diane's voice become practically a squeak. "Why would you say that!? She didn't need to know how I feel about her!" "So I was right! You do have a crush on her!" You laughed quietly, walking back home with a smile.

The rest of the day, you got ready for dinner with Diane. You looked through multiple outfits, soon choosing a beige sweater dress with black flats. You checked yourself in the mirror, realizing the dress showed off a lot of skin in the back with a small window for the chest. I was right, you do have a crush on her. Chloe's words rang in your head, your curious look becoming mischievous. You chose a strapless bra with frilly lace and frilly lace panties just for her, choosing to swap out the flats with heels.

When Diane knocked on your door, you swiftly answered. Her outfit was a little spiced up, though her eyes were wide at the sight of you. "I hope it's not too much." You asked, smiling. Diane didn't answer, completely in awe. "Earth to Diane." You giggled, snapping Diane out of her trance. "You are very beautiful." Diane managed to say, gently taking your hand. "Thank you. I was worried you didn't like it." You admitted, Diane grinning softly. "I made a reservation at Cedars at Pier One." She looped her arm with yours, taking you to her vehicle. You stared in awe, having been wanting to eat there since you came to Pasco. "Isn't that place super expensive?" You asked, eyes wide. "It is. But you're worth it." Diane reassured.


The drive over was quiet, Diane constantly glancing over in the corner of her eye. Oh God! She's so hot! I underdressed! Her hands were shaking ever so slightly, your perfume filling her senses, the sight of your bra when you leaned forward slightly. She thanked herself for not having a dick, knowing if she had one right now she would be harder than steel. "You look tense." You commented, Diane seeing worry in your eyes. "I'm okay." She smiled. I am not okay! Oh God, why am I salivating? How do I tell you that I want to ea-kiss you. I want to KISS you. What is this feeling? I haven't had it before? Stop salivating!

Parked at the restaurant, Diane got out and opened your door. "Thank you." You gave her a kiss on the cheek, Diane's legs feeling wobbly almost. She got the perfect view from behind, using the inside of her sleeve while you couldn't see her to wipe away drool pooling in the corner of her lips. You'll get your pound of flesh in a moment. We're going to have steak, you like steak, right? What canine doesn't like steak, they all like steak. "Reservation for Diane." She saw the woman nod, bringing you and her to the reserved table. It was towards the corner, looking over the river directly. "Diane, this is so beautiful!" You gasped, the autumnal sun already setting to a gorgeous orange. "Only the best for you!" She gleefully spoke, shivering and shaking ever so slightly under her clothes, like a wolf holding back on chasing a goat. When the waitress came by, you chose wine for the both of you. Hopefully this wine will help. She took a sip, seeing you smile softly. "You know it's rude to stare." You giggled, Diane swiftly looking away as a blush of embarrassment ran over her cheeks. "S-sorry." Diane whispered, feeling your fingers draw her to look at you again. "I'm only joking." You reassured.

Diane got a Ribeye Steak while you got the Chicken Alfredo. While she ate, she felt the growling deep within her die down piece by piece. Rest now. "Diane, are you single?" Diane almost choked at the question, swallowing harshly. "I-I am." She stammered, seeing you shift slightly as your leg rubbed against hers slightly. "Can I take you out for our next date?" You asked. This is... A date? Oh fuck! This is a date! I took you out on a date! I am taking you out on a date! Does this mean I'm courting you? Diane's thoughts felt scrambled, trying to figure out what to do or say. "Sure!" Diane gave a grin, not realizing her fangs were exposed. "My, what sharp teeth you have." You giggled, Diane closing her mouth.

How do I tell you about that night?

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