Chapter 5

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Ruby tipped her head down as though to say hello, and I feared she might not like Blanche—me. The woman who was stealing her fortune. But Dylan had hoped for us to be friends, and so I smiled brightly.

"Hello, Ruby," I said. "I'm Blanche, your half-sister."

"Blanche." She didn't seem to be sick. "My sister?" I nodded eagerly.

"I'm sorry I never got the letter and attended father's funeral," I said softly. "I'm an illegitimate child from him and my mother, Lucinda."

"Yes, and with her arrival the will can be read," Calvin said, sliding to her side and sitting on the armrest.

"We are also half-siblings." I said jovially. "Blanche for white and Ruby for red, isn't it a perfect combination?"

Ruby nodded and smiled genuinely this time.

"Maybe we have another sister named Black," she said. Her voice was soft but now louder than a whisper. She seemed to be joking.

"Maybe," Calvin humored her. "Raven? Noir? Well, I haven't thought of one yet, but I'm sure that man would think of one."

"Mhm," Ruby replied.

"Now I'll meet up with Dylan who is greeting the relatives that are coming." Calvin looked at Ruby. "Can you stay here alone? Just for an hour or so, I promise."

Ruby raised her head and nodded. "Yes."

"Thanks, Ruby! I'll be fast and later we can go to the will-reading together!" Calvin ruffled her hair and laughed when Ruby pulled away. He gave me a thankful smile before running away, seemingly after Dylan.

I have Ruby a wave and she waved back timidly, and then I walked after Calvin.

"Do you think Ruby likes me?" I asked cautiously.

"Yes! I can tell she's a bit shy, but she likes you so far," he said, then realized how inappropriate it sounded. "No, not so far, I meant I'm sure she likes you. If she didn't, she'd be unable to have eye contact, which she can't with our uncle and aunt. Or Dylan."

"Why don't they get along?" I asked.

"He reminds her of someone. Dylan takes care of us and sends us money from time to time, he's really dependable—pardon me for saying this but I think he's cut out to be the heir."

"No, it's fine. I agree, I think he can make this house a much—brighter place." Of course I was lying, the depressing house suited his worrisome nature.

"But I do wish that man didn't name you two Blanche and Ruby accordingly; there's a bad rumor going around about the girls of this house. Our aunt was named Scarlett too, and the colors keep popping up—" Calvin stopped. He turned and tensed up. "Hello, Vaughn."

I turned to see him casting a slight shadow I hadn't noticed on Calvin's side.

"Good morning, Vaughn," I also said.

"Apologies for bursting into your conversation, but I needed to talk to Miss Blanche."

He was standing decked out in a black suit and his long hair was neat today.

"Sure," I said pleasantly. "See you later, Calvin."

"Yes, I had to change anyways. Later then."

He disappeared to the stairs and climbed up. Vaughn and I watched his shadow disappear before he turned to face me.

"I see you were idling about."

"I was testing the waters and making connections," I said coldly.

"With Calvin? He has no chance at inheriting a penny. Leave him alone, you've enough prey—"

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