Chapter 21

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When all the females gathered the next morning they were elated, even Connie and Ruby, who shared looks. I was somehow relieved they both became friends, since Ruby couldn't seem to keep up with the other females. While occasionally blunt and dismissive of her sister, Angel, Connie was actually very childlike herself.

"Tell me what dress you'll wear so I can wear a matching tie," Austen flirted with Olivia, who only turned her head away teasingly.

"Oh, fine. It's purple, and my accessories are gold. Now, we decided yesterday we won't spill anything, right?"

"Yes," Angel chirped. "We are each wearing a different color, and guess mine!"

"You're spilling it already," Connie hissed.

Ruby ate her toast but by the way her eyes moved I could tell she was more amused than scared of their sisterly bickering.

Dylan caught my eye and gave a helpless smile.

I didn't imagine he would still smile at me even with our secret, and I couldn't help but clumsily return one, heart pounding.

I suppose it was too young of me but I still dreamed he would see me as someone. More than Blanche, more than a replacement, and more than Rose.

I wanted to be his one and only.

The day passed quickly with Ruby hanging out with Connie rather than me, and I went to Dylan's study again, this time with Vaughn.

Seeing the lawyer in an enclosed space reminded me again of how much he annoyed me and his cocky attitude. He sat at Dylan's chair and tapped his fingers on the desk as he grinned at both of us.

"What was that about?" I asked immediately. "Last night you lied to Calvin and Austen I was almost assassinated!" I couldn't keep my annoyance in as his smile grew wider and stepped up to the desk. "Do you know this is a breach of—of trust! Between us three!"

Dylan walked up and held my hand as though to hold me back, but I only stiffened, but his grip grew tighter. It wasn't suffocating, but rather firm, like he was making sure I knew I wasn't alone. That he accepted me for everything.

"Last night Rose told me the truth about her identity, too. Vaughn, you've been blackmailing you, haven't you?" Dylan said, voice still stern as always.

"Yes, yes, yes." Vaughn threw up his hands. "Congratulations on your great progress in your trust! But you know, I was never truly part of you, Dylan, less so you, Rose or Blanche or whoever you claim to be. The will is opened and to me you're trash, Dylan. Blanche won't marry and I'm never going to marry her, and you two can't marry."

"What's your point?" Dylan asked, pulling back his hand.

My hand suddenly felt extremely cold, and I looked down at my shoes.

"Listen, my dear Dylan, my dear Blanche. Falling in love at this point is just more suffering for both of you. So Blanche, find a husband. I'll enjoy myself at the ball and live here to save some money, and I forgot to mention—Auguste paid me before his death so I never had any reason to stay and find Blanche, I suppose I did out of curiosity."

I watched his suddenly calm face, as though he was bored of the whole charade.

"And I thought it would be fun seeing the de Winters ruin themselves, and laugh at them as I left with my money, but now that they've became strangely accepting, you too, Dylan, I wanted to stir things up." He turned and took out a lighter and snapped it open, a flame jumping up and down. "Isn't it more exciting this way?"

"What way?"

"Making Calvin conscious you're his enemy. Seeing how far Austen, who always adored his family, could go. Caralette, too, I want to see their last ploy. Then I'll leave, I suppose, and maybe I'll search for Blanche by myself. I've read and copied down all the important documents."

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