Chapter 38

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After the fight with Dylan I went back to the place I used to secretly smoke in—with Vaughn greeting me. I wanted to cry after the whole argument, the things I was forced to say, but Vaughn certainly looked excited.

"So did you say you're marrying Leroy?" Vaughn asked.

"Yes, I put on the show you told me to, to say he was disgusting and pathetic. I bet you wanted to tell him those things yourself," I said. I sniffed a little and turned away from him to avoid letting a lawyer see me cry.

Vaughn was like a young schoolboy, walking closer to me. "And? How did he react? Did he cry?"

"Not yet. He only told me to shut up and pinned to to the wall, but I said everything. So now tell me the plan."

We had met again by the small clearing in the trees we were currently in. Somehow Vaughn realized I hadn't talked to Dylan for a few days and also checked me again for cigarettes. Finally, he told me to wait it out and then tell Dylan that I was marrying Leroy—and throw plenty of insults his way.

I said I didn't want to, so Vaughn made me promise if he didn't speak to me by his mother's anniversary, I had to say everything Vaughn ordered. Of course Leroy hadn't asked me to marry him, he was a proper gentleman and knew of my situation. Marriage was the last thing I wanted.

"And you did say you were sure where Blanche was, right?"

"I believe so? Why is that all important, tell me the plan!" I hissed.

Vaughn finally stepped back and with a flourish he turned, hands pointing around as he explained.

"Hughes is very loyal to Dylan, I believe recently the two have gotten closer, Hughes doesn't even trust me. If Dylan wants it, Hughes just might take another trip willingly. You know what I mean, right? He will expose you, make Dylan the heir with a disposable pawn, and most of all, kick you out. They won't allow you to marry Leroy."

"What if Hughes doesn't take a trip?" I retorted. "Are you stupid?"

"No, you will watch over Dylan, and I will watch over Hughes. It's going to happen, when I was trying to listen to your conversation with Dylan in the room next door, Austen's room, I noticed Hughes was there, ear to the wall. He's most likely been listening to everything."

Goosebumps raised on my skin and I turned away. "So even when we said we suspected him."

"He's a suspect after all! Charming, loyal, but just like Auguste, he can only manipulate his master. Dylan is far too weak."

"Why should I watch over Dylan?" I whispered. I didn't want to even go back to that house.

"So you see that Hughes doesn't poison him with sweet words. Dress up nicer and Dylan will regret his choice. Just have Irene put some makeup on you, your dark circles are horrendous."

"You know, you look like a damn skull," I spat back.

"I'm not wooing anyone, I like looking like a damn skull." He finally calmed down and leaned against a tree trunk.

"Your plan is to smoke Hughes out from the smallest amount of loyalty he has left, or guilt, and find Blanche," I realized. But I will be following Dylan? It was the worst combination and surprising for a smart man like Vaughn, not that I would tell him.

"Now tell me a secret in exchange," Vaughn suddenly said.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, you know I smoke. I helped you, so may I have one—"

"No. No smoking. And I found that out myself. Tell me something you can never tell someone, so I know you won't go around telling the plan to god knows who, Ruby or the maids."

"I'm feeling emotional. I need a smoke."

"Tell me a secret, and I'll consider it."

I looked back at the de Winter house, so big I saw it as half an tower even with trees blocking it. There was sharp wind and tears finally escaped. God, I only want one smoke so I wouldn't cry.

"Then I'll tell you my secret. There's something cursed. I'm scared, I think there's a ghost. That's my secret, there's a ghost haunting the de Winter house."

A weeks time passed and back at the house we waited it out. Scarlett was still bothering Hughes every moment she had while Claribel planned on leaving. She announced it one dinner, and Ruby tugged on Calvin who frowned and announced they'd stay for a little longer.

"I hope it's fine with Blanche, of course, since I heard you'd marry Leroy soon." Calvin beamed and Dylan groaned audibly, and I quickly understood what happened. Dylan confided in Calvin, who was the worst one to confide in judging from Ruby's suspicious eye movements.

"I do hope he accepts you not for the inheritance," Scarlett said snidely, and I glared at Calvin.

"It's only talk of engagement, it'll be a few months before we officially announce it to our respective family. I hope certain people here can keep it a secret as of then, if not Leroy may very well just cancel it, seeing as I broke a promise." I faked a sigh and the mood was tense again before Vaughn spoke.

"Oh, I accept responsibility. I told Dylan and I'm sure he told Calvin without knowing. Let me speak to Leroy tomorrow about the mistake, I'm sure he'll forgive you, he's a kind soul."

Dylan looked at me but I refused eye contact. My heart and pride were still hurt from his words.


Your father was the dirty one!

Luckily, something went as planned, and that was Hughes pulling off Scarlett's hold on his arm and smiling as he spoke.

"Hearing all this talk of leaving reminds me, I'll be leaving quite soon, too. Dylan, I hope to talk to you after dinner once again. I've been neglectful of my job, pardon me."

"Oh, not at all!" Scarlett went on quickly, as thought she were Dylan. "You've been going on trips so many times and you never tell me about where you go! You're being overworked."

"Nonsense." Hughes smiled his cheerful smile and then clapped his hands. "Girls, come and clean up for dinner."

"Yes." Irene was the first and most efficient one as always, Julie sighing in lieu, Gwendoline also looking depressed as Hughes was leaving. I imagine it was too hard to clean such a big mansion every few days and Hughes seemed to be a big help.

But no, I was happy.

I tried my best to not look at Vaughn, who barely kept his smirk concealed as he stood up and talked to Dylan as always.

"Since when did you two hear," I asked Calvin and Ruby instead. Calvin fidgeted.

"I'm so sorry, around last week. Dylan didn't mention it was a secret, he seemed annoyed by it. I asked if he disliked Leroy and he said he was a fishy money-digger, or was it greedy fishmonger?"

"Dylan is stressed," Ruby whispered as we made our way to the tea house. "I heard him t-talking to Hughes."

My eyes widened.


Dylan in cahoots with the enemy?

"What did he say?" I asked, closing the door behind us three.

Ruby looked uncomfortable. "I wanted to as-ask you previously, is-is Blanche here?"

"What do you mean? I'm Blanche."

Ruby averted her eyes. "Dylan told Hughes, 'Get the real Blanche out'," she whispered.

I looked on as her lips moved and words flowed out. I couldn't comprehend the meaning, and then I ran away.

This time I ran downstairs to the strange room I went into that day, and knocked on Vaughn's door.

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