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❌Implied puking at the end of Daya's POV and kinda in Camden's POV❌

Daya's POV

I opened my eyes to find myself in bed back in our dorm, Willow on my chest and Maddy beside me. I groaned softly, my head pounding. I hadn't had any drinks last night, but the events and all the lights and loud music left me a mess this morning. I turned over with Willow in my arms, snuggling further against Maddy.

I glanced up at her to find her scrolling through the comments on our music video that had been released along with the album. Her head tilted. "Some guy said 'Maddy should let me suck those titties.' Men have such a way with words."

I laughed, but immediately stopped when it sent even more pain through my head. I quietly hissed in discomfort and closed my eyes, ducking under Maddy's arm to block out the light from the window. "I'd say slide into his DMs, but you have bad luck so no." I forced out despite my pain.

Maddy shook her head quickly. "Yeah, that's not happening anytime soon." She moved her hand up to my head, fingers moving in circular motions as if she sensed my discomfort. I let out a relieved sigh, some of the pain somewhat dulling.

She continued to scroll and rub my head, Willow forcing herself closer up onto me. "A lot of people think Alyssa is hot." Maddy said, smiling a bit. "And the amount of people I've seen commenting that they want you to smack their asses like those drums is insane."

I blushed, but my arms tightened around Willow. "You don't think...Willow and June will get any hate or something, right? Like how fans would hate all of One Direction's girlfriends and stuff like that?"

Maddy frowned a little. "I would hope whatever audience we bring in is mature and wouldn't do that sort of thing. If that were to happen we'll put a stop to it."

I didn't like the idea of that happening at all. That was just another thing to add onto everything I was stressing about. I was able to just let loose at the party and enjoy myself, but being back on campus reminded me of all of my other responsibilities. I don't think I wanted to be here anymore. I wanted to be back home where I could focus on one thing at a time and not all at once. And hopefully wouldn't crumble under all the pressure.

I screwed my eyes shut and took a shaky breath, feeling Maddy stop her movements.

"Daya, you're crying..." She said worriedly, one of her thumbs swiping over my cheek. "Why are you crying, sunshine...?"

I hadn't even realized I had started to cry. "I'm not..." I mumbled, tracing patterns along Willow's back to distract myself.

"Then why did I just wipe away a tear?" Maddy asked, and I hesitantly opened my eyes to look up at her. She pulled her hand away, and I squeaked when she leaned back and pulled me up onto her chest. "Willow, Daya's crying." She said, gently nudging the sleeping girl.

"Maddy don't-" I tried to stop her, but Willow was already yawning and raising her head.

"Dee-Dee's crying?" She said a pout on her face. Her arms were quickly wrapped around my neck, lips repeatedly pressing against mine. "I've got you..."

"We both do." Maddy said as she laid her head on top of mine, fingers gently rubbing my temples as she kissed my forehead.

I'd be lying if I said they weren't comforting. The stress and the weight of the world fell off my shoulders as soon as they were beside me. It was almost like magic. I wasn't sure how they were able to do that. But it meant everything to me

I closed my eyes again as I let them do as they pleased, the moment ruined by our door being slammed open. I groaned and opened my eyes again, finding Bosco standing in the doorway and looking like she had been hit by a truck.

"I need your bathroom." She said, looking as if she was about to fall over. "Jasmine's puking her guts out in ours and Angie said Camden's passed out on the floor of theirs."

She rushed into our bathroom and did the same thing her fiance was busy doing. I shook my head and stuffed my face against Willow's chest, just wanting to sleep. Maddy pressed a kiss to the top of my head before pulling herself out of bed.

"I'm gonna go hold her hair back." She said. "And get you some pain killers."

I nodded a little, finding comfort in the way Willow was playing with my hair. I watched Maddy walk away before closing my eyes once more, trying to escape my worries through sleep.

Camden's POV:

I groaned softly as I raised my head, blinking my eyes open to find myself on the bathroom floor with a throbbing pain in my temple. I tried to pull myself up but stumbled, feeling my arm being grabbed onto.

"Was gonna carry you to bed, but could hardly carry my own weight." Angie said, helping me to my feet. "Feeling a little better now, but still a mess."

I leaned against her chest to try keeping my balance, looking up at her with squinted eyes. The bathroom light was not being nice to the ache in my head. "Nothing bad happened last night...?"

"Surprisingly, no. The only bad thing is this God awful hangover." Angie weakly lifted me up onto the counter, pulling her shirt off and dropping it to the floor. "I need a shower. You should take one too."

I nodded a little, still trying to regain my composure as I leaned back against the wall of the bathroom. Everything felt like it was spinning and I could hardly focus on Angie. I let her undress me, draping my arms over her shoulders once she picked me up and carried me into the shower.

If she wasn't with me, I probably would've slipped and fell instantly. She stroked her fingers through my hair, the feeling of that and the hot water relieved some of the pain. I looked up at Angie, and after a bit she wasn't as blurry anymore. My eyes settled on her neck, and my whole body froze up.

"Angie...?" I whispered quietly. "What are those bruises from?"

Angie went stiff, her movements stopping. "Uh..." She sounded nervous. "They, they're from...shit..."

I placed my hands on her shoulders and steadied myself, looking up at her. Fear coursed through me. Angie hadn't told me if anyone had even laid a hand on her, and I knew it wasn't me who did that. "Angie what happened? How did that get there?"

Angie was quiet, but I stayed persistent, needing to know who had hurt her. "Baby please tell me..."

Angie sighed, tracing the water droplets that ran down my back. "...Josh noticed his USB drive was gone." She said, and my heart immediately dropped. "Found me walking back here after class a couple days ago. But it's fine, Deja showed up before he could cause too much harm."

No, this was not fine. I shook my head, narrowing my eyes. "He hurt you..." I clenched my fists. "He laid his disgusting hands on you."

"Sugar it's fine, I'm alright." Angie cupped my face in her hands. "He won't do it again..."

I didn't believe that at all. I took a deep breath, trying not to get angry. This wasn't fine. Angie had protected me so many times. And now I was going to protect her.


Spot the new conflict I guess lmao

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