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❌Implied past abuse in Bosco's POV, mentioned throwing up in Angie's POV❌

Bosco's POV:

I watched as Jasmine went through a box of old papers over on the other bed in the room, an old phone charging on the nightstand. She had been up since late last night looking for these things and praying she had brought them. I couldn't read her expression as she looked at every single paper, but I knew she wasn't feeling good.

I felt useless. There wasn't much I could do to help. We had all been told not to interact with anyone saying horrible things to our friends, and that was proving to be very hard for me. I had to have Jasmine keep my phone away from me, because if she didn't I most likely would've snapped at someone.

All I could do was remember my friends needed my support right now. They didn't need me to fight ignorant people on the internet even though I wanted to. I looked up at Jasmine, nervously fidgeting with my hands. "Min...?"

"Yes sweetie?" Her voice was soft, but there was a sad tone to it.

I sighed, grabbing Jeffrey and pulling him into my lap. "Are you alright?"

Jasmine was quiet, gripping a paper tightly in her hands before shaking her head. "N-No, Coco. I'm not..."

I frowned, not wanting her to be upset. "Is there anything I can do? Anything you need?"

Jasmine thought about it before looking away from the paper and over at me. "...You." She whispered, holding an arm out. "I need you."

I pulled myself up without another word, walking over and letting her pull me down into her lap. I wrapped my legs around her waist, pressing gentle kisses along her jaw and laying my hands on her shoulders. "I'm right here..."

Jasmine took a shaky breath, letting herself drop the papers for a moment and lay her hands on my waist instead. "I really don't like this..." She said, lightly tracing her fingers over my skin.

"I know, baby. It sucks." I placed a gentle kiss to her lips, trying to get at least a smile out of her. "Maybe you should take a break? I don't want you to overwhelm yourself with this stuff..."

"I'm fine, Coco." Jasmine insisted, even though her face said otherwise. "I need to do this as fast as I can. I don't want things to get worse."

I nodded a little, understanding but still not wanting her to push herself to relive any trauma. I laid my head on her shoulder, twirling a strand of her hair in my fingers. I still felt bad knowing there was really nothing I could do, but at least I was here with her. I glanced down at my phone when the notification sound went off.

Maddy: Do you still have that one pic of us from prom? The one where it's very obvious Willow was crushing on Daya but never said anything?

I didn't know why she would need that now, but I was sure I had it somewhere. I snuggled closer to Jasmine and scrolled through all of my old pictures, figuring Maddy was trying to find a way to cheer Daya up.

I sent it to her once I found it, returning my attention to Jasmine to find her staring at a piece of paper. "Min...?"

Jasmine sighed softly. "I found it. The police report." She said, setting it to the side and tightening one of her arms around me. "Can you hand me the phone on the nightstand?"

I nodded, grabbing it for her and placing it in her hands. She turned it on and I watched as she went to the old text messages, slowly reaching for her hand. "Please don't overwhelm yourself..."

Jasmine took a shaky breath, holding onto my hand now. She stared at Jonathan's name on the screen. "...Maybe I should take a break." She whispered. "I can't look right now, it's too much..."

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