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Resident Evil: City of The Dead


Part 1

It was bright as day and the city has been quite normal as usual. People went outside to work, hang out with other people and do whatever they wanted to depending on their plans. But the day wasn't going on so well for Y/N Kennedy.

First, he was evicted from his apartment, which causes him to stay over a friend's house, second, he had broken up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago and now, he was late for his first day as a cop.

He had been driving for a few hours now and later, Y/N pulled over to the nearest gas station. Y/N steps out of his car and refuels his car. He took a look around and weirdly enough, the gas station seemed empty. Even the convenience store seemed close despite having the OPEN sign displayed outside the entrance door.

Y/N:"No one's around? *looks around* That's weird..."

Just as he was finished refuelling his car, a crashing noise was heard from the inside of the convenience store which catches Y/N's attention.


He walks to the store and while he was walking, he noticed a trail of blood leading to the entrance. Sensing something was wrong, Y/N reaches the entrance door and slowly opens it.

Y/N:"Hello? Anybody here?"

Y/N steps inside and finds the store, messy with junk food and drinks scattered around the floor. The cashier desk was empty and the lights were off. The whole thing was something completely straight up from a horror movie.

Y/N:"Something's not right..."

Then, sounds of struggling are heard from the store's basement. Y/N heads to where the sound is to investigate, thinking that some kind of trouble is taking place. He turned to the side and finds the cashier, sitting on the floor, covered in blood.

Y/N:"You there! *rushes to the cashier* Are you all right?"

The cashier said nothing as his hand was pressed up against his bleeding neck. His hand raised and pointed at the door which leads to the store's pantry.

Y/N:"Don't move...I'll be back for you."

Y/N heads inside the pantry but as soon as he went inside, the door behind him slammed shut and the cashier locked it.

Y/N:"Hey! What're you doing?"

???:"Stop moving!"

A voice from the pantry makes Y/N turn his head. Grunting and struggling noises are then heard from the door ahead of him and Y/N heads to the door. After he reached it, he slowly opens the door, grabs his flashlight and turns it on to see a police officer struggling against someone.

Y/N:"Officer, you need help?"

The officer turned to look at him and stretches his arm out, telling Y/N to stay back.

Officer:"Stay back, sir. I got this."

However, the person he was struggling against knocked him down to the floor and to Y/N's horror, the person began to bite down on the officer's neck eating him alive. The officer screamed in pain and Y/N widened his eyes, horrified yet confused to what was happening in front of him.

Y/N:"Get off him right now!"

Officer:"*weakly* Help me.."

The person ripped the flesh off him, killing the officer and blood was spilled on the floor. Y/N took a step back, his flashlight still aimed on the attacker. The person raises its head up and up close, the person's skin was dark grey and its pupils were looking upwards, almost making its eyes blank.

Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now