Living on The Edge

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 8

After a while, Y/N takes a shower in the bathroom and sighed heavily, feeling tired of all the running and fighting he did. He lets the water run down his body and takes the short time to ease up a little and relax. Later, he turns the shower off, gets himself dried up and puts on some clothes.

He steps out of the bathroom and walks through the hallway, feeling so fresh, so clean

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He steps out of the bathroom and walks through the hallway, feeling so fresh, so clean. Y/N adjusts his jacket a bit and looks around the house, searching for Saeko or anyone at least. He went to where the staircase is and at the house's entrance, he spots two men carrying a large box in their arms. The two grunted as they tried to carry the box but it soon fell out of their grip and the box hits the ground.

Man 1:"You idiot! It fell 'cuz you're walking too fast!"

They lift the box again and Y/N walks toward to assist them.

Y/N:"You guys need help?"

Man 2:"Oh, it's okay. Let the adults do this."


Man 1:"You kids can sit back and relax!"

The men carried out the box and Y/N was left a bit confused. Sure he was just 19 but he's not really a kid and yet the men seemingly treated him like one.


Saeko:"Do not be so concerned."

His head turned to where he heard Saeko's voice and his cheeks became red when he sees Saeko wearing a yukata.

Saeko looks at him and notices his reaction

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Saeko looks at him and notices his reaction.

Saeko:"Is there something wrong?"

Y/N:"Um, no. But I do have to admit, you look good in that yukata. Like...Really good."

Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now