Night Terrors

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 4

After a while, the group managed to clear out the apartment and went inside the apartment room. It was spacious and the apartment had a nice view of the city. The boys took their time to relax and plan ahead while the girls, except for Sherry, decided to take the time in the bathroom to take a shower.

Komuro and Kohta are trying to break one of the lockers open in one of the rooms while Y/N was sitting down on the bed, waiting for the two to open the locker. As he was waiting, Y/N could hear the girls having fun in the bathroom. His cheeks turned slightly red and he tries to resist his mind from thinking of....Other things.

Y/N:"They seem to be having fun there."

Komuro:"Yep. I can hear them as well."

Kohta:"You two wanna peek on them like real men should?"

Y/N:"Nope. That would be too unruly of me."

Komuro:"And I don't wanna die yet. Anyways, we're kinda screwed if this turns out to be empty."

Kohta:"Nah, there's something in there for sure. We found the ammo, so there has to be."

On the side, a locker was open, revealing stacks of ammo inside. Each of them were ammo for rifles, shotguns, handguns and it even had heavy round bullets. Y/N had already grabbed a few bullets for his guns and places them in his inventory.

Komuro:"Well, either way...Let's give it a go. One, two and three!"

Together, Komuro and Kohta manages to open the locker using the crowbar. Y/N gets up to check the contents of the locker and his eyes beamed when he saw what was inside.

Y/N:"Looks like we got something good here. Hey, you two. Check this out."

Kohta got up and grinned widely when his eyes saw the contents of the locker. There were 5 guns displayed on the locker. One was a shotgun, a few of them were rifles and one was a crossbow. Kohta grinned even wider and his excitement overcame him.

Kohta:"I knew it."

Y/N:"Gotta say, Ms. Marikawa's got one helluva friend."

Komuro:"Yeah. I wonder what her friend does with these guns."

Kohta immediately grabs one of the rifles and loads it up, getting into a firing position and his grin became even wider from excitement.

Kohta:"Springfield M1A1 Super Match, eh? It's semi-auto which is fine 'cause the M14 series' full-auto is just a waste of bullets anyway."


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Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now