Broken Umbrella

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 14

The doors slide open and Y/N slowlys walks through the hallway. He finds a door at the end and once he opens it, his eyes sparked once they laid on something...or rather someone.


To his surprise, it was Komuro, Rei, Shizuka, Kohta, Saya, Alice and Zeke. They all turned to him and their eyes sparked in relief upon seeing him.



Zeke barked.

Rei:"Eh? Y/N? You're here too?!"

Y/N:"It's so nice to see you all. How did you...?"

Kohta:"We couldn't make it to highway so we decided to take the sewers. By then, we happened to find this big lab. You?"

Y/N:"We got chased by that thing again until something else killed it. Then, we decided to take the sewers as well so...That's all."

Saya:"Where are Saeko and Sherry?"

Y/N:"They're in a room back at the reception. But we don't have time. Sherry's in danger and I need to get an antiviral agent to cure her."

Saya:"Cure her? You don't mean..."

Y/N:"*sighs* She was attacked by a mutated monster named William. I think he implanted something in her and that caused her to be infected."

The group were shocked and Shizuka gasped upon hearing that.

Y/N:"Her mom allowed us to gain access here and right now, I need to get to the West Wing to get the antiviral agent. I think it's called G?"

Komuro:"Alright. Then let's find it. But...Where exactly?"

Y/N:"It's in the West Area but I need to upgrade my ID Wristband first. By the way, how'd you guys get in here?"

Kohta:"Oh, we took a train going to the lab and then, after getting on the elevator, we went here in the East Area to see if there's something we could find. But then uh..."


Rei:"We were chased by these plant things back there. *points at a door using her thumb* They're about the size of a human and they keep making these growling noises. We tried killing it but it keeps getting back up. Our ammo was running out so we had to retreat."

Y/N:"Alright. *equips the flamethrower* Let's head inside then."

Kohta:"*eyes widen and sparked* Woah, where'd you get that?!"

Y/N:"In the sewers."

Komuro:"You found a flamethrower in the sewers?"


Komuro:"Okay..? Uh, let's go."

They went to the presentation and Y/N is disgusted when he finds a dead worker slammed against the glass by a large plant.

Y/N:"What happened here?"

Kohta:"Who knows? Experiment gone wrong?"

Y/N took a closer look and noticed that the worker was holding a purple chip.

Y/N took a closer look and noticed that the worker was holding a purple chip

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now