A Great Need For A Shower

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 12

Komuro, Shizuka, Rei, Saya, Zeke, Kohta and Alice walked while holding their flashlights as they walked through the dark sewers. One of them started feeling a bit nauseous as they walked even deeper. The smell of the stinking waters and the sight of cockroaches crawling around the walls were enough to make their skin tingle a bit. Saya was getting disgusted over it all but chose to continue as this was the path that seemed to be safe for them to pass.

Alice:"It's so scary and gross down here.."

Rei:"Where does this lead to?"

Komuro:"I'm not sure. But we need to keep going. We need to find somewhere safe before nightfall."

Kohta:"Let's just hope we don't encounter that thing again. Not gonna lie, I almost peed my pants seeing it. What was that anyway?"

Komuro:"Yeah. That thing was no zombie or anything I've seen before. You think it's another experiment done by the government?"

Saya:"I doubt it. And we can't always blame the government for it all. There has to be someone or something else that's responsible for making that thing and this whole outbreak."

Rei:"Let's just hope we have the stomach for it..."

Just then, the ground suddenly shook and Alice screamed in fear as Shizuka held her close. Zeke got behind Komuro and whimpered until the shaking stopped.

Komuro:"The hell? What was that? An earthquake?"

Saya:"I'm pretty sure that was. Come on, let's keep moving."

The group kept moving, heading even deeper into the sewer. Later, the group stopped once they reached the end of the platform, which leads to a lower level.

Komuro:"Well, who wants to go first?"

He looks at this friends and all of them seemed hesitant to jump down, including Zeke.

Komuro:"*sighs* Guess I'll go first then."

Without any hesitation, Komuro jumps down and lands on the lower level. His body then created a splash and Komuro spits out the water that came in contact with him upon landing.

Komuro:"Ugh! Gross!"

Shizuka:"A-Are you sure this is the right way?"

Saya:"It seems so, unfortunately...."

Kohta:"All right. I'll go next."

Right before Kohta could jump down, the sewers began to shake a little. Komuro held up his hand at his friends, telling them to wait. He squints his eyes, trying to get them to adjust in the darkness as the sewers began to shake even more.

Then, a gigantic alligator emerges from the waters and lets out a loud roar. Komuro gasped and backed away as the alligator slowly makes its way toward him.

Rei:"Komuro! Get out of there!"

Komuro dashed away and the alligator chases after him while the group tries to find another way to catch up with them.

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now