Surviving Deep Darkness

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 5

The dog outside the apartment barked loudly, attracting even more zombies near to the apartment's gate. Somewhere near the apartment, a man was running around, firing at his shotgun at the zombies surrounding him. He kept firing his gun until it eventually ran out of ammo. The man quickly tries to reload but accidentally drops one of the shotgun shells while reloading.

He dove to the ground and grabs it before it could roll away from him. But right when he was about to insert the it inside the shotgun, the zombies were already near him and soon, they overpowered him and ate him alive. Saeko watches the whole thing using the binoculars and lowers it after she sees the status of their situation.

Saeko:"Indeed. The situation is getting worse."

Komuro:"This is getting awful..."

Y/N:"Well, we can't shoot at them. That'll only make things worse."

Saeko:"Then I suppose we should turn the lights off."


Saeko heads back inside, walks down the stairs and flips the switch, shutting all light in the apartment room.

Sherry:"Huh? Why are we turning the lights off?"

Saeko:"The living will gather here once they notice the light and our figures, Naturally, we lack the ability to help those who still live."

Y/N:"*surprised* What? You don't...Actually mean that do you?"

Saeko:"*hands him the binoculars* Look for yourself. You must grow accustomed to this. Futhermore, this world has become a place where you cannot survive on chivalry alone."

Y/N hung his head low and his eyes stared at the binoculars. Deep down, he knew Saeko was wrong. There was no way he could let the living die outside, getting eaten alive by the living dead. He couldn't just ignore that. It didn't feel right. It never did.

Y/N:"You know, I thought you were different, Saeko. But leaving the living to die? Those people have families, friends, loved ones. They can't even get back to them because of this whole thing. And you're just telling me to ignore that? Helping the innocent and giving them justice...That's why I joined the force. I am not allowing this to sit through and I don't care if that costs me my life."

Saeko looked at him and saw the nobility in him but wasn't sure how long would he keep that nobility. This world has changed for the worse and all of them changed for their survival. But does it mean they all change morally as human beings?

Saeko:"I respect your nobility, Y/N. But do not get the wrong idea. Whether you like it or not, I am merely stating the truth."

She looks at him with a warm smile on her face and walks away. Y/N sighed and went back to the balcony where Kohta and Komuro are crouched down, hiding themselves from the zombies below.

Kohta:"Oh, don't let yourself be seen when you look outside."

Y/N crouches down next to them and looks over the rails. He uses the binoculars and surveys the area near the apartment. Citizens are seen being eaten alive while some desperately called for help but soon ended up getting eaten alive by zombies. Y/N gripped on the binoculars tightly and his eyebrows furrowed.

Those people were left to die and all he could do was watch.

Y/N:"It's hell out there..."

He looks at a different direction and sees a house a few blocks away from where the zombies are at. The house's lights were on and right at the front, a father and his daughter is seen running towards the gate.

Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now