With Time To Spare

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 13

Saeko was sitting down on the floor with her eyes closed. It's been a few minutes now and Y/N still hasn't returned. The waiting got her tired and she took the short while to rest since she hasn't taken the time to rest ever since they spend the entire day running away from whatever was after them.

Just then, the door from the side opens and Y/N enters the room. Upon entering, he finds Saeko leaning against the wall, sleeping. He smiles as he walks toward her, knelt next to her and shakes her a little to wake her up.


Saeko slowly opens her eyes and turns to the side to see Y/N at her side.

Saeko:"You're back! Did you find them?"

Y/N:"*shows all of the Chess pieces* Got them all. Let's get that  door open."

Saeko nods and gets up from the ground. She and Y/N walk towards the electrical panels and takes their time to figure out the order of the chess pieces.

Y/N:"Says here that the pawn should be here

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Y/N:"Says here that the pawn should be here..."

Over time, they got confused and they plugged every chess piece at random electric panels but the door couldn't open. Y/N and Saeko settled down for a bit and thought hard.

Saeko:"That's not it..."

Eventually, they managed to plug the chess pieces into the right electrical panels and the metal door opened.

Y/N:"All right! We're on our way Sherry. Just hang on..."


Meanwhile, Komuro, Shizuka, Rei, Saya, Zeke, Kohta and Alice took their time to rest while waiting for the train to head to its destination.  Rei had her head leaning against Komuro's shoulder, Alice was petting Zeke as he rests on her lap while Shizuka, Saya and Kohta stayed on alert in case if anything happens.

Kohta:"I wonder how long they took to build a train system here. Is our government aware of it though?"

Saya:"Not sure. I'm just trying to wrap my head around this and see if I could understand it all. If Umbrella was behind all this, then what was their motive for doing this? Anyway, I just hope we could find our answers soon. My head's aching a bit."

Kohta:"Yeah. It's a lot to take in honestly."

Later, the train stops and the gang immediately got up form their seats. They got out of the train and Komuro looks around to see if there were any signs of threat. Seeing that the area was clear, the group make their way forward and spots a door up ahead. Komuro opens the door and looks around the area for a bit, only to find a large lift on the side.

Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now