Gone to Hell

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 6

Morning came and the sun shone brightly in the sky. The group had finally gotten themselves out of the town and are now crossing the other side of the river, like they originally have planned. As they are crossing, the little girl, Kohta and Sherry are sitting on top of the Humvee, singing a nursery rhyme while Saya was on the look out.

Little girl, Kohta and Sherry:"*singing simultaneously* Row, row, row your boat. La la la la Gently down the stream. Row, row, row your boat.  La la la la Gently down the stream."

Sherry:"*stops singing* Hang on, is that how the song goes? I don't really remember a La la la in the lyrics."

Kohta:"There a few variations of the song, I believe."


Little girl:"Hey, come on! Let's sing it again!"


Little girl, Kohta and Sherry:"*singing simultaneously* Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream."

Kohta:"Okay, this time, I'll sing a parody

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Kohta:"Okay, this time, I'll sing a parody."

Sherry, Little girl:"*simultaneously* Okay!"

Kohta grinned widely and began to sing his parody of the nursery rhyme.

Kohta:"*raises his fist in the air and sings* Shoot, Shoot, Shoot your gun, kill them all now! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Life is but a dream!"

The little girl was impressed and clapped her hands after Kohta had finished his parody. Sherry, on the other hand, found the parody a bit...Dark and of course, she wasn't really impressed by it at all.

Little girl:"Wow, Kohta!"

Sherry:"Erm...Isn't that a bit..Too violent for a parody?"

Kohta:"That's the point of a parody!"

Saya, who has been listening to all of it, grew annoyed. She turns to where Kohta, Sherry and the little girl are and slams her fist on the Humvee's roof.

Saya:"Hey, fatty! Don't teach kids inappropriate songs! That song is from Mother Goose, you know!"

Kohta:"*scared* Kaaaay..."

Inside the Humvee, Y/N, Saeko, Komuro and Rei were asleep. Rei was leaning her head against Komuro's shoulder while Saeko had her head leaning on Y/N's lap as he was sleeping but none of them were aware of it, not even the boys.

Shizuka:"Guys, wake up! It's about time we crossed the river!"

Rei opens her eyes and wakes up from her sleep. She looks to Komuro, who was still sleeping, and chuckles upon seeing his sleeping state.

Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now