Escape from the Estate

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead

Part 10

The light from the sky died out and Y/N was shocked. That light was familiar and the tingle of worry came to him.

Y/N:"No way. Did they really just...Miyamoto, check your dot sight from your rifle."

Rei:"Huh? Why?"

Saya:"Just do it. Your gun uses an IC."

Rei does so and aims her rifle directly at Saya, making her move out of the way quickly. Her eye looked through the scope and oddly enough, the dot wasn't showing up.

Y/N:"Do you see the dot?"

Rei:"Uh....I don't. *lowers her rifle*"

Saya:"I knew it. So it was..."

Komuro:"Hey, Takagi, Y/N. What's up?"

Inside the mansion. Soucihiro's men tried turning one of the computers on but none of them seemed to be working. They tried turning the electricity on but still, there was nothing.

Man 1:"What is it?"

Man 2:"We lost power and now all of the computers are dead!"

At the camp where all the other survivors are, a woman becomes distraught as she holds a man in her arms. She looks around, her face telling that she was desperate for help.

Woman:"Someone! Please help! My husband's pacemaker seems to have broken!"

Her voice manages to catch the attention of Kevin and Rita and the two of them rush to help the woman's husband. Back with Komuro's group, Komuro, Rei, Kohta, Saeko, Alice, Zeke and Sherry listened as Saya and Y/N explained the white light they saw from the sky.

Komuro:"Electromagnetic pulse?"

Saya:"It's an EMP attack. Also known as HANE. High Altitude Nuclear Explosion. When a nuclear warhead explodes in the upper atmosphere, the gamma rays make electrons get repelled from atmospheric particles which causes the Compton Effect. The flying electrons get caught in Earth's electromagnetic field and emit an electromagnetic pulse over a wide range. That effect is lethal to electronics."

Y/N:"That means all electronics are shut down. We can't use our phones, computers or a even vehicle."

Shizuka gasped and began to tear up upon hearing that. Alice went to her side and pats her head to comfort her.

Alice:"There, there."

Saya:"EMP counter-measures have been taken, but only for the SDF and a small part of the government."

As they were speaking, Souichiro and his wife walked down the staircase outside their mansion while their men began planting gas candles around to give some light to the place.

Souichiro:"Is there a way to fix this?"

Souichiro:"Is there a way to fix this?"

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Resident Evil: City of The Dead (Male Leon Kennedy Reader x HOTD)Where stories live. Discover now