We're in trouble now

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Eddie's van stopped in the middle of the road. Why? I walk forward to see Chrissy in the middle of the road. I walk up to her. Her eyes were...blank? That's the best I could describe it.

I hear Eddie's door open and close. "Chrissy?" I roll my eyes at the sound at his voice.

It's not time for that now Y/N.

We're both standing in front of her now. Eddie starts shaking her pretty violently.


She's lifting off the ground! WHY IS SHE LIFTING OFF THE GROUND. Me and Eddie both look at each other terrified.


Oh my god what is happening.

Me and Eddie both back up. Scared looks on our faces. What's happening


I can't wrap my head around what is happening. I look over at Y/N she's terrified.


I run back to my van. And see Y/N start running towards the woods.

I see her fall. She looks hurt

Fuck I don't want to be stuck with this girl. She's so annoying. But I can't just leave her here.

Damn it.

I get out as fast as I could running to pick her up.

" WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN MUNSON!" She screams with her annoying voice ugh.

"Would you just shut up I'm saving your ass." I'm trying to be nice can't she see that.

"Their gonna think we did this" I say putting her in the van "we need to get out of here" she stays silent.

I run over to my side, start the car and floor it.

"Where are we going" she finally speaks. "I know a place"

We're silent for the rest of the way there. No music. No talking. Nothing.

"We're here sweetheart" I say with a forced smile. I pick her up from her seat because her ankle is still hurt.

This is so weird. It's in natural. Me and her. Being together.

"Where are we going the house is over there" she says. "Oh darling where not going to the house. We're hiding out in the shed" I say as she looks at me like I'm dumb.

"Well that's fucking stupid" she scoffs.

I open the door and put her down. Then wipe off my hands because gross.

I can already tell this is gonna be a long night.


I can't believe I have to stay here. Alone with Eddie Munson.

What are we supposed to do? Sit here in silence I guess.

Thank god I have my Walkman so it's not totally silent. Music is my favorite thing. There's a song for every emotion. Music calms me down.

I definitely needed to listen to music after what had happened to Chrissy...

All of a sudden I feel my headphones getting pulled off. "What the hell do you want Munson" I say angry with him. " I asked if you were hungry idiot" he shot back at me. "Oh, I guess I am a little hungry" this is so weird. Talking to him, being here with him.

He hands me a plate with a sandwich on it.

" I don't know what you like so it's basic, but at least it's something." He says.

"Thanks" I say trying to end the conversation.

"So what we're you listening to?" He asked. I just sat there starring at him for a sec. " just some music" I say again trying to keep things short.

He opens his mouth to speak again but I start talking very quickly. "You know we don't have to do this. Talk I mean. You don't like me and I don't like you, ok? So let's keep it at that" I said looking at him with a angry look on my face.

"Chill Y/N. I was just trying to make conversation. It's not that serious." He said. I felt kinda bad now.

We went back to not talking. When I was finished with my sandwich I started my music again and pulled out my notebook and a pencil and started drawing. I could feel his eyes on me. Just watching what I was doing.

Every time I would look up he would look away. What a weirdo.

"I'll be back I'm gonna go get some blankets from the house."

I nod letting him know I heard him.

When he leaves I feel like I can finally breathe. I feel trapped.

"Are you getting tired Y/N?" He asked as he was walking back in. I turn to look at him. "Mhm I guess I'm a little tired" I say as I look at my watch to check the time.

"Okay so umm, you take the boat and I'll take the floor" he said. "I'll take the floor" I say. He just looks at me. "Alright whatever I don't care"

We set up our spots and lay down.

A few hours pass. I feel asleep for a little bit but woke up from a nightmare and have been up since.

I sit up checking to see if Eddie is asleep. I see the blanket go up and down with his breathing.

I head outside of the shed trying to be quiet so I don't wake him.

I sit on the edge of the lake watching the sun rise. I wasn't out for long. I had started getting cold and went back into the shed and fell asleep


Me and Eddie woke up. We we're both looking the door.

"Y/N get in the boat. Now." He said with a serious tone.

Oh god please help us.

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