Game time...

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I woke up a little before we got to the war zone. Chatting with everyone trying to take our minds off of what we're up against.

We found a place to park. " you guys stay in here" Steve said looking at me and Eddie. I look at him and blush. The get out of the RV and walk into the store. I got up and put some music on then went back to sit next to Eddie.

I can feel his eyes staring at me yet I  continue looking at my feet. I eventually look up as im getting tired of the silence. "Can I help you with something" i say. "Your just so beautiful y/l/n" he replied. I could help but blush. He pulls a piece of hair behind my ear. Making me blush harder. "It's crazy. To think that I used to not like you." I say. I start to feel bad. He's such a sweet person. "We'll have plenty of time to make up for that when this is all over." He said with a sweet smile. "Oh yeah?" I say scooting close to him.

All of u sudden the door opens. We quickly separated. They started speaking but I was focused on Eddie. He's so perfect.

Steve pulls off into a field so we can start getting things ready. Robin and Steve in their own group. Lucas and Erica together. Nancy and max together. And me, dustin, and Eddie. The three of us are hammering nails into trash can lids. Making a shield like thing.

After we finished Eddie got up and started waving it around like a dork. An adorable one. I couldn't help but smile. "There will be no more retreating from Eddie the banished." Me and Dustin laugh. Dustin then gets up and walks over to Erica and Lucas.

"Your a real dork you know that Munson" I stood up saying with a playful smile. Eddie looks at me with a mischievous grin on his face. He runs towards me and throws me over his shoulder. "PUT ME DOWN EDDIE" I screamed. Laughing my ass off because he's jumping around like a weirdo. "What was that y/n? You said more?" He started to jump around crazier. A little bit after he put me down. We we're looking each other in the eyes both with a wide smile. "Y/n your so beautiful. You know that." He said. I didn't reply I just sat there a blushed. " I was wondering" he paused. "If you'd like to go see a movie with me on Friday. You know after all this is over." He said with a twinkle in his eyes. My smile grew bigger. "8 o'clock?" I replied. " I'll pick you up" he said. "Don't be late or your paying for snacks" i said. He gave me a tight squeeze before Steve yelled it was time to go. We all look around at each other before getting into the RV.

The RV ride was mostly silent aside from the music playing on the radio. You could feel it in the air. We we're all afraid of what was to come. I feel Eddie look ever at me. I think he noticed the worry in my face because he placed his hand on my thigh. I lean my head on his shoulder letting out a sigh.

We pulled up the the creel house. Erica, Lucas, and max got out. "Hey max" I said before she shut the door. She looked up at me. "Please be careful. I wanna be able to see you guys when we get back." I said with a soft smile. "I'll try y/n." With that she shut the door and we drove off. We soon got to the trailer park. "Okay let's go through it one more time" Nancy says before we get out. "Phase one" she started. "We meet Erica at the playground she'll signal max and Lucas when we're ready" Robin continued. "Phase two." Nancy started again. "Max baits venca. He'll go after her putting him in his trance" Steve continued this time. "Phase three" Nancy said once more. "Y/n Eddie and I draw the bats away" dustin said. "Four" Nancy once more. "We head into vecnas newly bat free lair and flambé." Robin said shaking a bottle. "No one moves on until we've all copied. Nobody deviates from the plan, no matter what. Got it?" Nancy said. "Got it" the rest of us said in unison. We get out and start walking towards Eddie's trailer.

We all take turns going through the gate. After we all get through safety we walk outside. Steve turns to look at me, dustin, and Eddie. "Hey guys listen. If things here start to go south. At all. You abort. Okay? Draw the bats attention for a minute or two. We'll take care of vecna. Don't try to be cute or a hero or something" he said. " don't worry man. I mean look at us. We are no hero's" Eddie said. Steve turns to walk away but Eddie quickly stops him. "Hey Steve? Make him pay." He nodded and with that he walked off.

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